May 5, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Again on the Incel.

While Draghi warms up before entering the field (running on the water, from what I read) I see that the Italian press has noticed the Incel, of whom I had already spoken. Obviously, since some people would like to throw those who don't think the way they want into the asylum, a psychotherapist is called to explain why they are mentally ill.

Again, I infiltrated several of these forums, as I did with MGTOW, to find out what they are talking about instead of reading an article on their wiki , and I don't see things the same way.

Surely the "incels" are dangerous (I spoke, I think, a few years ago about how the red hair of the American school mass murderers have a symbolic value for the incels) as a movement, on the fact that they will become more and more violent, and I think they certainly exaggerate . But … exaggerate what?

I mean, if I say that a pizza is so disgusting that eating it evokes the Antichrist in the pylorus, I'm definitely exaggerating. But I'm exaggerating the fact that I don't like that pizza.

So, if the incels exaggerate … what are they exaggerating?

The incels have observed some phenomena, they have extrapolated them to extremes, to the point of building an ideology. Since EVERY ideology is the way to ridicule, they obviously got something that can be laughed at. Not that communists, fascists or other / e -ists are better.

Their ideology says that, essentially, women choose between types of men:

  • rich ones. Here they just extrapolate the evidence. The "models" (ie young and beautiful women) are over-represented among the companions / girlfriends of rich and famous people, if you have a party you will come your normal / average looking friends, if a rich one is having a party container of models. It is undeniable that there is a difference, and therefore it is undeniable that the first choice is a rich one. On the aphrodisiac effect of money I think there is no need for comment.
  • aggressive and overbearing ones. Incels are generally quite young, based on high school experience. And in American high schools (but now also Italian and European, thanks to those who imported certain models) there is a culture of humiliation. In the culture of humiliation, the "alpha" of the situation stands over others, humiliating them. Well, it is true that the prevailing majority of girls will prefer to be with the bully and bully, rather than with the perhaps more studious boy who is not so "winning", that is, aggressive and overbearing. Not that things change afterwards, since as a "bully" these women look for the "winner" with age. (Which then kills them, but this is the smell of napalm in the morning, darling.)
  • those of good appearance, where the good appearance is optimized if it also exhibits the traits useful for aggression and arrogance (muscles) plus the traits of wealth (clothing, gym: in the USA they are more expensive) and some genetic traits that seem prevalent among the stars and the rich (dolichocephalic skull, broad shoulders, height and more). It is difficult to say that this happens to these “because they are actors”, since if the actors are a sample estimate of the population we will also have to find plump or short or brachycephalic actors. But it doesn't really happen, and the longotypical dolichocephalics are by far the most popular.

All these phenomena are, of course, real . The statistical prevalence is highly measurable, both when we search among actors, among successful entrepreneurs or between aggressive and bullying. I think there is an over-representation of women and models among the wives of rich and not exactly handsome men. Especially in a society where wealth is concentrated in a few hands.

The incel world calls "chad"

So far we are in the domain of facts.

The problem is that they have extrapolated this statistic by transforming it into an "index" which, starting from the physical and economic characteristics, calculates the probability of being chosen by a woman. Concluding that their chances are minimal at the start, and therefore you might as well give up and accept your destiny.

incel, therefore, used real data to construct an extrapolation, thanks to which it deduced that it was discarded, ie “disposable”.

And nothing becomes more violent than the white male who is deemed expendable. Because sacrifice has its own EPIC, and the male needs an epic narrative of himself to sustain his self-esteem. And this epic narrative can become more important than life itself.

Once it has been established that it is expendable (and it is the moment when he could leave for a massacre in a school, he does not care if he dies), the incel must however take a step forward. I mean, you have to admit that you suffer from this situation.

Now, if you want an epic narrative of yourself, you can't just suffer as much as any loser. At least there has to be a dragon that makes you suffer. You are suffering, but Sauron one person has pierced you with a spear. You are not just suffering.

So, the monster is women.

This is also an exaggeration. But we must always ask ourselves "exaggeration of what?".

Then our incel shows up on his "date" (in America they have institutionalized this way of knowing each other) and since he does not have the physique of a bodybuilder and maybe he is plump, she laughs in his face and goes away. Good.

What do you do at that point? You suffer. But you suffer in particular, because it must be said that only a small minority of women are models. The others use more or less cosmetic makeup and strategic clothing. Thus our incel suffers in a particular way: it suffers from injustice. And he says "how, I know very well that in your scale of" good "males I am worth 4. But you too are worth 4 in the canonical list of" bones ", and I did not hurt you like that , in fact I also liked you".

This second part is crucial. The feeling of playing in a game in which not only do you have no hope from the beginning of playing in Serie "a", but the female "C" series accepts to play only with the male "A" series, plus you enter the field with your hands tied. To make it clear, if a male laughs at a girl and tells her she has cellulite, she's a monster. Body Shaming. Body positivity. But not the other way around .

In any women's newspaper you find written that a man just needs a pair of socks of the wrong color for a "no-go". Interesting. But if a man says that a wrong match in a woman's clothing is enough to send her to hell, at the very least he is described as the CEO of the patriarchy himself.

On these realities – I am not saying anything that you cannot see everywhere – the incel concludes this: I am suffering because I present myself unarmed against a hideous, cruel, sadistic and malignant monster, which is given unlimited power and a kind of invulnerability. You understand that if you get pierced by his spear, you've still written an epic page in the history books.

This narrative, therefore, allows him to admit that he is suffering from withdrawal, but leaves him with the self-esteem of an epic story. He ran into a fucking monster. It's been a long time since he's alive. It is obvious that he suffers from it. They are battle wounds.

But what he's been through is true.

incel lives in a reality that is not invented, it is simply exaggerated. The facts he presents are real, the resulting theory is an extreme extrapolation.

This makes him much more violent, because everything he sees everywhere coincides with his narrative of the facts. It makes me laugh to read about the psychotherapist who intends to cure them, when then to the first rich man who marries a supermodel, all his work will be destroyed.

But there is a part of this dynamic that escapes.

It is not new today that as a normal male "you cannot afford a model". This was also known to past generations. But the past generations did a different thing: they said “ok, but even women who are not models are sexy, so who cares and I go out with Morena, who is not a model but I like her a lot”. In short, "if you like football you also enjoy playing with friends on the pitch, you don't have to play in Serie A". It made sense.

But the problem comes today: because today Morena points to the "chad" as much as a model. Under Serie A, it's no longer football. And here everything jumps, because in a world where the characteristics of the "chad" are widespread only in 15% of males, 85% simply have no hope.

I'm not saying that. Berkeley University says so.

After all, a phenomenon of forced virginity like this:

it could not fail to leave marks in the collective culture.

What's the point? As happens in Qanon, the internet is where the confused dust of data coagulates into ideological masses, along with a whole host of other additional ideologies.

The incel, that is, is the tip of the iceberg because it is based on facts known to all, on facts that many know but only when they are merged and extrapolated they produce ideology.

I mean: the studious high school boy, maybe even shy, who is tormented by bullies with the applause of the girls (who are always with the bully because he is winning) will not necessarily enter (as happened in the USA) in a school with a AR-15 shouting "who's the alpha male now, bitches?" while exterminating her classmates.

But he must have dreamed of doing it thousands of times.

And that's the point. Incels have always existed. What they always missed was:

  • an epic narrative constructed and shared by other males.
  • an availability of weapons and a community that inspires battle.

the internet, that is, has done nothing but capture the incel (which has always existed) when he dreams of entering the school and exterminating the girls, and giving him the weapons and instructions to really do it.

And especially, to give him the reasons: because when you have convinced a male that he is expendable, that those who die for "our" cause have lived a long time , that your name will be remembered and that you are on the side of the righteous who have suffered a most painful injustice, you have just built a killing machine.

Then the question will be: how do you go back?

The "neuropsychologist" on duty says that to do this it is necessary "simply" to make them socialize with women, forgetting that it was really getting to know women closely that confirmed the incel. After all, all the newspaper articles completely neglect the “suffering” aspect (yet it is evident in all the forums) to make it “a male chauvinist and Nazi misogynist movement”. Which, in its coagulation, is correct, just as it would be correct to describe the Nazis as "lovers of barbed wire".

The plan, therefore, seems to be to take people who draw the epic narrative of their identity from being despised and marginalized by women, and then "marginalize and despise" them even more. It is as if to fight Nazism a day was called in which everyone spits on every German they know. Can I have doubts that it would work?

The thing is ridiculous even on the side of the "good guys", so there must be some ideology behind this, and it doesn't take me long to figure out which one.

I just hope that this ideology also makes them bulletproof, because it is not difficult to foresee very serious problems if no one begins to wonder what the facts are on which their exaggeration is based, and to get their hands on those facts.

Having my age, it is now neither my task nor desire to imagine solutions, or to think of better worlds. I think I have learned everything there is to know about women and "female pleasure", and I don't think anyone will surprise me in the next few years.

But I advise you to ask yourself if a society based on gender equality can also be a society where models always marry rich footballers.

Otherwise, I predict bullets whistling.

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