May 7, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


DDL Zan. Everything as expected.

DDL Zan. Everything as expected.

In the Italian newspapers there is cagnara about how the ZAN bill was sunk, despite the fact it was a VERY FORESEEABLE thing, and when I say that it was very predictable I mean that I had foreseen it long before it happened, and I had foreseen its trend.

The small political battles.
If today you asked a "leftist" what his party does to be "leftist" you would not hear the answer with "defense of workers", "emancipation of the weak social classes", "protection of income", "emancipation of women ", But you will hear the answer with" battles for gays ". …

DDL Zan. Everything as expected.
And the Zan decree is dead.
While we were dealing with the catastrophic incompetence of the Lazio region in managing its IT systems (now it seems that they have guessed the password and username of an administrator's VPN: it is a pity that the credentials are THREE, that is password, username and KEY, or it was not a VPN but a simple t …
DDL Zan. Everything as expected.

If you read these two articles you will find, up to the parliamentary detail, what happened: Renzi and D'alema. Senate. The Christian Democrats of the PD.

I don't like saying "I told you so" (actually, no: I like it very much), but the question you should ask yourself is NOT:

“Is this perhaps a genius? Is he perhaps endowed with divinatory powers? How could he have known in advance who could have betrayed the left, and how it would have ended? "

Here, you shouldn't ask me this. That I am very cool and modest is obvious, but since I am modest I want to make it clear: I am not the one who has the powers.

It is you who are blind. Or third-order illiterates.

  1. If you are unable to read the news "Renzi goes to Saudi Arabia to say that another Florentine renaissance is underway", you are illiterate.
  2. If you are able to read the text, but you are not able to understand well what it says because you do not know what renaissance is, or other things, you are "functional illiterate", or I prefer to say, second order illiterate.
  3. But if you read that text and cannot answer the question “and what real fact does this correspond to?”, You are third-rate illiterate.

Third-order illiteracy is that form of illiteracy whereby the person is able to read the symbols of the text, is able to read and understand the sentence, its grammar and meaning. But he fails to identify or recognize the part of reality to which the text refers.

If I read the sentence “Renzi goes to Saudi Arabia to say that another Florentine renaissance is underway”, I know VERY FINE that Zan will vote with the right on the decree. Indeed, I expect you to vote with Forza Nuova or other far-right formations, since the treatment reserved for Gays in Saudi Arabia, praised by Renzi, is the one hoped for only by the most extreme fringes of the right: beheaded.

How, on the other hand, could you put together a text ("Renzi goes to Saudi Arabia to say that another Florentine renaissance is underway") with an unlikely fact "Renzi will vote for DDL ZAn?". What is the relationship between the two facts? Is it possible to write the sentence "Renzi praises a government that beheads gays and for this he votes the DDL Zan" without having written a non sequitur?

Same thing for the PD. You know well that just naming the female issue (ie taking power away from the alpha males of the place) is impossible. You know they have NEVER had a female secretary. You know well that when the question is raised it ends in nothing.

You know well that there are the "Catholics of the PD", who in reality are just Catholics, and you know well that Bersani is a frequent visitor to the CL meeting. You know well that the PD has had elements like Paola Binetti inside. , without saying a word when he boasted of wearing a medieval torture instrument in parliament, without noticing any contradiction between "parliament" and "medieval torture instrument".

What made you think that the PD would have sent the Zan DDL forward? You know well that even the left PD is full of TERF, who had protested against the protection given to transsexuals and asked that they be cut off. (in practice, if a trans person is not also gay, then they are not defended).

Under these conditions, what made you think they would send him forward? You can write a sentence like "the PD will support DDL Zan because it is full of Catholics, because it is full of TERF, because it is close to Communion and Liberation, and I trust their progressivism because in their party women serve to clean the toilets “.

Can you write it, without being ridiculous?

You are third-rate illiterate: you knew as much as I did about the things I wrote about the PD, and nothing I wrote is new to you. But you are not able to connect the texts you read with the (logically) connected elements of reality.

Put simply, you are intellectually BLIND.

What will happen now? Well, it's all campaign meat.

The entire electoral campaign of the PD will pass to promise that a law equivalent to the ZAN DDL will be made. And this will be the ONLY issue on which, ultimately, they will claim to be different from the right.

Because ultimately their political identity (and that of their constituents) is left with only this: you are from the PD if you fight for gays.

And if all the proposals regarding the GLBT world were to pass, they would find themselves equal to the Lega and Fratelli d'Italia. What other identity themes do they have today?

So expect an upcoming electoral campaign in which the PD will rise again as a defender of gay rights, for the sole purpose of testifying that they are different from the right.

And also expect to see Renzi passing to the right, where his views are. Because I repeat, if you go to Saudi Arabia to say that for you it is a renaissance, you think of human rights as Forza Nuova.

In fact, maybe they are ahead.

In Italy, the gay question is not something we want to solve. As Orwell said, our war is not made to be won, it is made to last forever.

And to last forever, the gay issue must NEVER be addressed.

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