May 2, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Post-election boredom.

I know, when you are abroad you like to read the press of your former country. Partly because you like to see that you were right to leave. And a little more just to know what we're talking about when an incautious German asks you for information on what he has read in his favorite press.

The post-election period is characterized by what I define as “because Italian politics is what it is”, that is, a press that cannot obtain anything else.

First of all, articles like "Where does Meloni want to take Italy" or "Who is the real Iorgia Meloni", or even more boring "here is Giorgia Meloni's programme".

Now, I understand that the average journalist lives in the typical semi-comatose state of ass kissing: while you kiss your ass you don't breathe, and this very serious lack of oxygen does a lot of damage. Clarified.

But Giorgia Meloni has been in politics for a very long time. Now at Bouvette they call her familiar. What the fuck is it that we don't know about her? Blood tests? Last visit to the gynecologist?

The day after the election, the newspapers tell you what his program will be. There are two cases: either the Italians had no idea BEFORE voting, or it's useless.

This is the "useless" part of the post-election. Over time I have convinced myself that it is like birthday parties, that the next day we eat the leftovers: and then the press publishes the article that was in the fridge, with the remnants of Meloni's program or "Who is Giorgia" , written in 1997, and then remained there, behind the aubergines and the tray with the puppet's snacks. That much is preserved for a long time.

Another nerve-wracking process is “defeat analysis”. On the right, it is a quick, painless process, which has the objective of uniting the party around the leader after the blow. They do it quickly “sbroc sbroc gay lobby, sbroc sbroc boderi fordi, sbroc sbroc Soros, sbroc sbroc radicalchic” . Once this is done, the whole party stands with the leader who will guide them to the great return. And now to work.

It doesn't last long, it's simple, it allows the party to correct itself.

On the left, it's a real psychodrama.

The self-criticism process of the Italian left has some characteristics:

  1. It hasn't worked since 1919. It has never worked. He never dug a spider out of a hole.
  2. It's as painful as a BDSM session, but that's not the fun part.
  3. It's Freudian, but much more embarrassing. Don't know where it's going.

It's an absolutely embarrassing process. We would expect to hear that as children they have seen their parents get laid, or that they have erectile tissue in their noses, and other Freudian bullshit. But no. On the left it always turns out that it's all the secretary's fault. He did everything himself while the others were at the beach.

And of course he lost: he was alone to do everything while the others were at the beach.

The process of self-criticism, or analysis of defeat, always concludes that it achieves nothing, and that we need to change but remain faithful to our "values".

The women of the PD. Since the Democratic Party consumes secretaries, there is obviously always the possibility that the next one is a woman. Now, I would have nothing against it per se, but if we look at the women of the Democratic Party, we discover that they are almost always useless idiots.

And it's not just in Italy. If I search the European left, I can't find women who will go down in political history. If I'm looking for women who will go down in history, I find Thatcher, I find Merkel, I find Von der Leyen. All women who come from conservative parties: they don't have many women, but the ones they do have rock.

Segolene Royale, today, is "ambassador for the Arctic and Antarctic" by appointment of Macron: on the left, women are selected at the entrance, in a very simple way. To enter the Democratic Party and make a political career:

  • wives and mistresses of petty local officials
  • stupid people who won't bother local officials
  • GLBT, immigrants but only if chic, petulant, annoying, divorced from reality

obviously, the result is that when we go to observe the women of the PD we suspect one thing.

The day will come when "PD woman" will be a full-blown insult. Because by now "woman of the Democratic Party" is synonymous with a happy goose, a useless politician, a miserable idiot.

I know you will now accuse me of “insulting ALL women”. Because you can't read. I have only insulted career women in the Democratic Party. And no, they don't "represent" all women, because if women politicians of the Democratic Party represented ALL women, their party would have 50% more votes than men.

Instead, the latest policies show that at best the PD represents only 18% of Italian women. The rest, fortunately, are not "women of the Democratic Party".

It is no wonder that no "PD woman" is relevant at a political level, or if none has access to leadership: they have been selected so that if anyone had the mental or character capacity to do so, she would be expelled from the party very before you can get to the top.

I know you think I'm exaggerating: I hope Elly Schlein becomes more popular and goes on television more often. You will change your mind. It's really stupid.

Another embarrassing thing are the editorials of the directors, and chronic columnists like Michele Serra.

It is not clear what they mean, where they want to end up with, but first of all WHY THEY WRITE AND PUBLISH THEM. Whether it's Giannini, Serra, or Molinari, or Conchita de Gregorio: why are you writing? What is what you write for? And especially: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WRITING? What are the conclusions? How does it end? And then? What does it mean? Nothing.

It is the most boring phenomenon, if you like, because you find yourself reading absurd things, such as that one party has to restart from the heart, the other that has to renew itself but keeping important people, and all this racket only serves to feed that psychodrama that characterizes the centre-left parties when they decide to renew themselves without innovating.

The reactions of Europe/Stock Exchange/Press.

Now, if I were to offer you a newspaper from Utzbekistan, and I told you that in the end it says that Meloni is fine, what would I have told you? You don't know. Maybe it's a Nazi newspaper. Maybe it's an old Stalinist newspaper. And things would change, depending on.

But now I ask you: what do you know about Le Figaro? What do you know about Welt? What do you know about Bild? What do you know about El Mundo? Am I right? Of left? Which?

And if you don't know the editorial line anyway, if you can't tell the difference between Bild and Faz, what's the use of knowing what he wrote?

The latest boring trend in the Italian press is the effect of the government BEFORE the government is in place. I find out today, via fediverse, that a social center is being cleared because, obviously, Meloni is now in government. As if the social centers have not been cleared in the past, and never by left-wing juntas. Which is not true, see Bologna.

But it is said that they are making her happy in advance. Ok, but it was known that he was going to win for months. Why today? Yesterday would have been fine too.

Ok, now we know that Meloni has the thaumaturgical ability to be in government and cause effects BEFORE the president calls her.

Finally, one last thing about abortion. The right to abortion in Italy no longer exists for a good twenty years. Because the gentlemen of CL (Communion and Liberation) have occupied the hospitals with their objectors and can no longer find suitable doctors.

Your “Left” leaders go ON TIME to the CL meeting.

Who do you want to fuck with, precisely, when you say that now Meloni will question the right to abortion, that you haven't had for at least 20 years?

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