Journalism and Freemasonry.

I would like to try to complete the previous post , giving a little background to some assumptions that may seem apodictic. In particular, on why and when you feel the "smell of Freemasonry". And I would like to start talking about one person: Conte.

If you remember how he came to power, we had M5S and Lega who couldn't find a name that both liked. This Giuseppe Conte comes out of nowhere.

Social media don't say who he is. So, he was either off-grid completely, or he removed everything in advance. Here maybe Casaleggio put a hand in it, who may well know how to remove all traces of a person on social media. It seems strange that it is done in a very short time, but let's say they are very good.

And here we stop.

So: who the fuck is this Count?

How probable or feasible is it that out of thin air, any university professor, will conquer both sides (M5S and Lega) that have always been openly elitist and show off a chronic anti-intellectualism?

And especially: how?

That is: to trust him blindly, at least one of the two parties must know him well. Then someone will have met him, to introduce him to the two parties? Did they have friends in common? Do Di Maio, Grillo, Casaleggio and Salvini attend the same university professors in Florence? Paradoxically, we discover that he was known by Maria Elena Boschi, but in the end, how does any guy at the top of two majority parties, who happen to be looking for a guy (with what requirements?)

In conclusion:

This is still not enough for me to decide that it is Freemasonry, BUT:

Conte's choice took place under a thick layer of secrecy. Little is known about him, on social and off-grid, he had never been in politics, he had never been SEEN before in politics at these levels.

In the case of Freemasonry this happens because the decision was taken in "another initiatory level", that is, secret.

Let's go to the second oddity that smacks of Freemasonry.

The questions I am asking myself are NOT practically asked by anyone: I am not referring to what one can think in bed when asking questions. I am thinking of other political parties and newspapers.

An ordinary pinco pallino arrives, which has been found by no one knows who, no one knows how and no one knows why, and no one opens his mouth.

You know those who ask the "Truth about Giuliani", despite it is clear that they killed him while he was trying to attack the CCs with a fire extinguisher? Here. Those who see the mysteries EVERYWHERE, who have been asking the truth for 40 years about the most disparate things?

Here, nobody opens his mouth. Count arrives, seems a moderate, respectable person, and off you go. Instead of starting at least a parliamentary inquiry to figure out where this guy came from, they make a few comments and go. A couple of articles on how she dresses, one on her communication style. That's enough.

In short, prime ministers are raining in Italy. Labor seems asleep, Saviano does not even try to ask himself if the mafias can get something into it. Conte is good for everyone.

The opposition gets this guy unrelated (perhaps.) To the Roman salons, if he swallows it without a word, he does not make demonstrations for a president never elected, never appointed, never seen, who fell from heaven. Not even on social media, nothing.

Even Renzi, who hates fireplaces more than a radiator industry, is almost ok. MEB says they know him as a professional, and nothing more.

And nothing. For the Italian media and for the opposition it seems normal that at some point, after the elections where he was not even a candidate to make a rug, Ivo Balboni of the situation emerges from nowhere and becomes prime minister. So, ad minchiam: Ivo Balboni wins everything.

The last time a guy went to power with such a mild resistance, it was God Saturn . And for heaven's sake, they say he governed well, but it must also be admitted that he was one of another level.

Here the stench of Freemasons REALLY begins to be felt. When people suddenly, and en masse, stop doing their jobs as they always have, Freemasonry is involved.

Because here we are talking about the press that does not do the press, and the opposition that does not do the opposition. And this is destructive. I mean, think of poor Jacoboni. He spends his life investigating populist parties and their links. He also gets threats from a Russian general to do so.

Here. The two populist parties take a rabbit they have never seen out of their hat, and nothing, not even a trip to Florence to ask two questions. Nothing.

And they all do. All the press pretends it's normal, and all political parties pretend it's normal. Even Dagospia does his own thing, and all we know about Conte is this : the newspaper that digs into the background of anything.

THIS reeks of Freemasonry. Because when people stop doing what they've always done, all together, they're usually involved. Destroying the normal functioning of things, for no apparent reason, is one of their signatures.

when things happen that require a pervasive will, of unknown origin, which everyone seems to obey, you can safely say that there is a stench of Freemasonry.

On the other hand, you must always remember one thing: Freemasonry behaves like a cancer. He fails to achieve constructive goals, so he focuses on spoiling things that work.

And what has spoiled it?

Ultimately, democracy. The message that Freemasonry wanted to send to the country is simple:

you may have the most ferocious and polarized election campaign in decades, you may have the greatest turnout of the century, but in the end you will NEVER determine who the PDC will be, let alone which parties will form the government. Democracy is an absolute bullshit, others will always be in charge.

what they have done is annihilate the normal political and electoral process.

Now, if I told you that in the next elections, whoever wins, Ivo Balboni, a retired surveyor from Cesena, will go to power and that he will govern having a majority made up of the League, Power to the People, but also the Democratic Party and the Radicals, but also Charlemagne and the Spartans of Pausanias, you would tell me that this is absurd.

But you would tell me that this is completely incompatible with the democratic process, the Spartans are not a party, Charlemagne is dead, the Democratic Party and the radicals would never be with the league, much less Power to the People.

And I tell you: the democratic process doesn't matter, Ivo Balboni Rulez.

Then you will tell me that "but imagine, there would be demonstrations and the newspapers would be very angry".

And I: ninth. When Ivo Balboni speaks, everyone is silent. Because Ivo is Ivo and you are nobody.

And you would tell me: but imagine if it lasts, at the first gust of wind everything falls.

And I: ninth. Indeed, the more the mess happens, the more it gets stronger, and M5S will join the PD and Power to the people to support it. Why Ivo Balboni size matters.

Then you will tell me: yes, but it will still be manageable within the party. Not having a party in parliament, it will be a puppet.

And me: Ivo Balboni will be the next President of the Republic. And thank heaven that the Pope is well.

This is what happened: they destroyed the previous rules, making them appear fragile and ephemeral. For example, the normal political processes, the normal electoral processes, the work of the press. All disappeared: Conte arrives, no one knows from where, how and why, and everything goes to get fucked up.

Why is it a symptom? Because it's destructive. If you look at the whole process we see that these are people who are NOT doing what they are used to doing.

And here is the point: Freemasonry is like a cancer. He can kill an adult, but he can't make a baby. You can't tell someone “do this” because it would require a project with a strategy, and several steps to arrive at a goal.

It can say “don't do this”, however: this obviously does not build anything, but destroys the existing. He can't make a baby, but he can kill an adult.

this is the smell of Freemasonry: everyone stops doing what they have always done with passion. This sudden anoxia destroys the rules and patterns, and especially the procedures followed up to now.

Why did I nominate the President of the Republic and his election in the above surreal dialogue?

Look at yourselves: how much do you trust Mastella? Whole character, huh? Luckily he's there. So good. So right. So authoritative. So institutional.

So authoritative.

Because we are now at the last point. What are the typical targets?

Ultimately, the more people's trust is focused on something, on some procedure or some idea, or some system, they will come to sabotage it. Anything that is institutional or authoritative will be hit.

And the President of the Republic is both institutional and authoritative.

It doesn't take long to figure out what the next target will be, and his election will be the scenario.

Get ready to see a pinco pallino arrive out of nowhere, elected no one knows why, chosen no one knows how, about whose past little is known.

For what? No purpose. Cancer kills adults, it doesn't make babies.

But the sure thing, really certain, is that NO ONE in the press or in the media will ask the question "but what, but how, but why?".

Because where there is opacity in careers and co-optation there is Freemasonry, and we are talking about the world of journalism.

And just as NO ONE asked what, how, why when Conte came up, they will do the same when Ivo Balboni, a retired surveyor from Cesena, will be President of the Republic. Or something like that.