Of kids, police and school.

While you were too engrossed in that farce that was the "election" of the President of the Republic, and subsequently of Sanremo, two very serious things happened. Which slipped on your conscience, like nothing.

First, a high school boy goes to carry out that absurd ritual that in Italy has become a gift to companies, namely school-work alternation. This thing works ONLY if at least 40% of the boys sent to "work" are then hired. Instead, as this does NOT happen, the state has only given internships to companies.

But worse happened: since the boy had to be monitored, it is not clear where his manager was at the time. And as if that weren't enough, the fact that they go to the company does not necessarily mean that they have to go to the most dangerous areas.

But anyhow, the boy trusted, the family trusted, and all that's left is a grave.

The usual recipe based on pigs without conscience, that is of Italian entrepreneurs.

Obviously, and I repeat of course, the boys did not remain silent and took to the streets to protest. And it seems to me that they had all the damn reasons. One of them died crushed by a beam.

A beam. In order to understand each other.

The police arrive and lead them for no reason. And I repeat: for no reason, because by now we know the police excuses well. "Infiltration of social centers.". As if we don't know what you mean.

Social center infiltrators are simply Digos agents, for the simple reason that social centers are a Digos department. If you don't want to infiltrate the social centers, you just have to tell Digos not to send them.

We have been pretending not to know who the “infiltrators of the social centers” are since the time of Cossiga as interior minister. Wouldn't it be time to stop, or should we pretend to believe it out of politeness?

You cannot say "infiltrators of social centers" without knowing the name and surname of these people. Will they be arrested? Of course not: they are colleagues.

And it's Pulcinella's secret, I know it and you know it. And the ass-lickers who write in the newspapers know it: pigs without conscience are a fairly omnipresent social class.

Someone will waste time now talking about the "causes" of this problem. But these events have no "causes": they only have ingredients . Because this type of police was designed by Cossiga, with the open complicity of the PCI and the CGIL of the time who did not want to be bypassed on the left by the students. It's not a problem, it's a recipe . And as such it has no causes , it has only ingredients .

Let's see them.

The first is an entrepreneur evolved like a pig without a conscience. The human species evolved as a primate, then as a monkey. The entrepreneur evolves directly from the pig. He has no conscience, he only has a belly.

They have been hailed for years as those who "gave work", as if it were not a commercial contract in which, to say it all, those who give their jobs are if anything the employees. Also because, dictated as it must be said, if you want the credit for giving work, then you take responsibility when unemployment grows too much. Because then you are NOT giving work.

The entrepreneur in Italy is allowed everything. A judicial system that recognizes guilt only when it gets in the newspapers has made it impossible to get justice. The death of the worker is almost always followed by an interview with widows and orphans, and then a larger interview with the entrepreneur, who is said to be even more destroyed than his family.

The company is NEVER spoken of badly. Read this blowjob here:

Blowjob by: https://tg24.sky.it/cronaca/2022/01/22/udine-morto-stage-omicidio-colposo

Perfect. Rescue was immediate , a few minutes for the firefighters, complete with a helicopter. and medical team. Very beautifull. From applause, isn't it? This is called "framing": everything is perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Except a 19-year-old boy died.

Other blowjob:

Blowjob by: https://www.quotidiano.net/cronaca/udine-stagista-morto-1.7274264

In which we will "try" to "establish any responsibilities". Sophisticated but not too much, because the safety of a work environment is the responsibility of the employer, always and in any case, and the safety of a person who is NOT an employee, even more so. There is nothing to be established, the responsibility lies with the company period. The company does not even name itself: they say "third parties". It must have been Juventus. Or the lansquenets. Never say "company".

But now we need to prepare people for the thesis of "cynical and cheating destiny" and "unclear" responsibilities.

In short, there is an entrepreneur to defend, by God. You don't want someone to imply that if someone dies in your company, and they weren't even an employee of yours, and they were in an internship where they should have been supervised by a local employee, there is company fault.

After all, the beam "has detached", it is not that it was fixed badly. It was cynical and cheating fate, it was. The element "has fallen", it was not badly assembled. He fell. Oops! What a careless!

Blowjob by: https://www.quotidiano.net/cronaca/udine-stagista-morto-1.7274264

So, a beam that comes off is badly fixed: the job of the beams is not to come off. And the elements "do not fall": it is not their function, to fall. It was badly fitted.

But the job of the press (which depends on entrepreneurs for advertising) now is to present the company as a place where "things happen". The beams fall off, the elements fall, and Disney would be proud of you.

In companies, "things happen".

The second ingredient is a "professional" school that has chosen to give away hours of work to entrepreneurs. It's to thank them for evading tax, I suppose. In the countries where this ritual was born, (like the one where I live) the percentage of hiring of boys in "Ausbildung" is very high.

In Italy it is almost nothing. And not only that: there are cases in which, when the institute was born, workers were dismissed corresponding to the number of hours guaranteed by the alternation.

Let's understand, in the vast majority of cases they are not programmers who go to IT companies to learn, or other jobs with high added value, in the vast majority of cases they are jobs with very low added value, highly interchangeable, ranging from frying chips to mop floors. An amount of hours that is used to cut highly interchangeable jobs.

You are teaching every teenager that every job is grueling, humiliating, unpaid and stupid shit. At that point, the drug dealer will appear to them as a decent job.

I am not surprised that the result of a generation that does not want to hear about working: if at least before the students endured a shit school under the illusion that then at work it would be different, now they soon begin to think that work is also a shit.

The third ingredient is a troglodyte police, completely unsuitable for the work they do in 2022. Take for example the "rapid", or "riot". How many riots have there been lately? And how many can we say were NOT caused by the police themselves?

The crime rate has been lowering for 15 years now. So far, no riots have been seen.

The truth is, you don't need that many cops.

And they know it well. So they must, to save the place, invent that there are "infiltrators of the social centers" who could also trigger the October revolution, mind you. That a hundred thousand boys aged 14 to 18 could even kill the Tsar, huh. Students of second A should not be underestimated, A as Antichrist.

The police are so outdated that the crimes that the cops were trained to fight no longer exist. And if we came to decriminalize soft drugs, literally 90% of the current work of the Italian barracks would disappear.

La Celere di Cossiga, in 2022, is of no use. The truth is that these agents must be able to get to the street riots for the simple reason that if street riots don't happen, they don't prove to be of any use.

Do you want the Celere to disappear? Is simple. Enough demonstrations. A demonstration strike is enough, let's say one or two years of detention, and the Celere will end up under the ax of cuts, since they will no longer be able to declare that they have done something.

And it is the situation in which they find themselves: they have to invent work, pretend to be of use to something, cause disorder to be able to repress them. Otherwise they risk cuts.

Of course, 2022 brings new crimes and new problems, but the police officer will never go to the computer to fight cybercrime. He's never going to deal with stalking or bullying, or with youth gangs. The vast majority of policemen do not have the education they would need to be a policeman in 2022.

And to prevent this inadequacy from becoming evident, they have to invent that in 2022 there are still "riots". At the cost of inventing "social center influencers".

To keep a 1970s police on their feet, they have to keep the 70's PROBLEMS standing.

If there were no anarchists, they would have to be invented. OPS!

The Social Centers.

Social centers, or busy social centers, are nonsense. I'm nonsense because they're in town. Originally, the vast majority of these experiences of "communes" originated in the areas affected by depopulation. Which still abound today.

Wanting to occupy buildings, it would be more sensible to choose places in the open countryside, or in the dying mountain / hill. Those abandoned villages that the mayors put up for sale for one euro, places that the road decay has made unreachable.

And that was what was happening in the early 1970s. If you occupy a ruin in the depopulated mountain, it takes three / four years just for someone to notice. The property does not claim it, or it rarely claims it. Even if the mayor claims it he doesn't give a damn because not being in the city the value is very low. Even when it is known, the owners are often missing or dead. And at one time most of these experiences took place outside the city.

The problem with all this is that things change a lot outside the city.

There are few cameras to see who comes and who returns, and even the policemen's pseudogladiator equipment does not help much: in the open field, those who run faster get out unscathed. This is clearly urban equipment. It slows down and weighs you down. In case of mud, then, I wish you everything.

But then why are the social centers in the city? Well, because it's so comfortable. There are cameras everywhere, they are monitored well, there is politics in common: employment arrives and houses drop in value. They are bought cheaply. And then it clears up, and off to gentrification.

The social centers are "guided", and they are for being in the city, functional to the state and politics. If someone occupies a barn in the high Apennines, even if the "mackerel" arrives, the police will see them arriving half an hour earlier, they are slow and there is plenty of time to escape and not get hit.

The occupied social center in the city, that is, is a tactical contradiction and an inevitable ingredient of the clashes that the police need to make them believe they are useful. The "management" of these posts has a double salary, and one of them pays the state.

It is another ingredient of the inevitable "clashes" that are used by the Celere to pretend to be of use and avoid cuts.

On all this, there is a school that is now dysfunctional, because the message has passed that the school is the professional training center that entrepreneurs can draw on without paying a penny.

“The school for the world of work” is a completely abstruse, useless concept, and only serves to save money for entrepreneurs, who should instead train.

By now kids know they are in a school that is dysfunctional. But until now they had deluded themselves that "outside", in the "world of work", there was real preparation. The trouble is that now, with this "alternation", they are trying on their skin what awaits them, BEFORE it happens.

The school does not have to train good professionals. This stuff needs to be stopped. The school is paid for by the state and must train CITIZENS. And if the entrepreneur wants them to know how to use a lathe, all he has to do is pay the lira and train them in the company.

But by now the story has spread that the school must "serve" to work. It's like I'm asking a jogging guy exactly where he's going, and why. The answer will be that he doesn't need running to go somewhere, but to have better legs.

In the same way, the student must get rid of the idea that what he studies "he needs": what he studies serves to train a better brain. Just like jogging is not about going somewhere, but about having better legs.

The school is now a servant factory. To make it clear, what kind of work should you learn with the vast majority of teachers who are a teacher and have never done anything else?

And here is the point: the last ingredient is a school that, after promising them a job, is teaching them through the alternation between school and work that they will only do shitty jobs, boring, undignified and dangerous for the health and life.

What could possibly go wrong with a generation that sees a worse fate in work than drug dealing and prostitution?