On the suicide of Daria Dugina

I know that the word suicide will seem absurd to you, but if we strictly follow the definition, it also includes one who voluntarily causes the conditions for his own death, including the fact that death occurs at the hands of others. For example, “suicide mission” absolutely includes the fact that others are killing you, and also the fact that you don't necessarily want to die.

And I'm about to explain how Dugina and her father created the conditions for their own killing.

Let's start from the beginning. According to the Russian secret services, there are photos of the Ukrainian bomber who "infiltrates" using false documents to cross the border. This is the part where it clearly shows that it's a made-up story. For a very simple reason:

The Russians are distributing Russian citizenships and Russian passports to citizens of the dombass and the donetsk area. Very valid credentials to enter and move in Russia.

I'm not kidding. It is as if the US, in order to "Americanize" Afghanistan, had decided that Afghanistan was a US state, and then had given citizenship and a passport to everyone, including the Taliban and members of Al Qaeda. Valid passports to enter and move in the USA, of course.

In your opinion, what would have gone wrong?

Yet it moves: the Russian authorities have been distributing passports for MONTHS . There was no need to "infiltrate": it was enough to go to one of the cities where the population is being "Russified" to "become Russian", and then enter Russia with very valid documents.

And the lie they are telling about the alleged "infiltration" has precisely this purpose: to hide that in Russia, the government is


And now let's go and see why I speak of "suicide".

The first question we have to ask ourselves is: “but why do Russians distribute Russian citizenships and passports in an area that they invaded, bombed, looted and where they tortured, killed and raped? Don't they understand that someone hates them? ”.

And even worse, why do they do it while the enemy's army and militias are still active?

That is, in the area where the “Azov Battalion” operated, they are giving the people who ask for it Russian passports, WITHOUT THE CERTAINTY of killing ALL the members of the Azov battalion, nor ALL the members of the “territorial guard”. What could possibly go wrong?

It will go wrong that there will be entire regiments of Ukrainian soldiers, in plain clothes, walking around Russia. IT'S OBVIOUS: no proof is needed when logic is enough.

And what if you have regiments of hate-drooling enemy soldiers walking around your country?

Well, it happens that "things explode in Russia".

Recall something? Enlistment centers set on fire, industries blown up, you have to admit that for months now, "things have exploded in Russia." And maybe, instead of assuming long-range missiles, we should have asked ourselves, (myself included) if by chance any of these "naturalized Russians" aren't walking around Russia, legally, blowing things up.

But why did the Russians do such a stupid thing? Why didn't they wait, I don't know, 5 years after the end of the war before giving the credentials of Russian citizens to all the inhabitants?

Because Dugin the father (but also the daughter) has created an ideology for which Ukraine does not exist. And if it does not exist and is part of the "novorossya", it follows that the Ukrainians are only Russians, that their citizenship does not exist, and therefore they must naturally have the Russian one. Otherwise there would be no "novorossja", since a country does not exist without a people.

Dugin, that is, he created the ideology which, applied to the letter by a pile of idiots in charge, led to the conditions for the death of his daughter, if not his own. And the daughter helped him.

It was therefore a matter of suicide:

therefore, on a logical level, Daria Dugina committed suicide. She and her father created the conditions for her own death, creating the conditions for having entire regiments of the Azov Battalion walking around Russia.

Let's go to the bullshit that the Russian secret services tell, not to cover up OWN ineffectiveness, but to hide the fact that


For one thing, there was no infiltration. It is very easy for any Ukrainian living in the occupied areas to have valid Russian credentials to enter Russia and move freely. There is no reason why the killer should have used false credentials.

Second, the bale of the car with three plates. It makes no sense. Why blow up a secret mission and risk the Moscow traffic police catching you for a fake license plate? He could simply walk into any dealership, buy a used car, using the very valid documents given by the Russians, and off he goes.

Why mine the car with a trigger when you have the apartment below your target's? Just undermine the ceiling of the bedrooms, (or even all the rooms, or enough to demolish the building: the Bologna station exploded with only 15 kilos of explosives) and put a timer controlled with an SMS, and go away with a reasonable advance. You can mine the elevator. You can mine the mailbox. The possibilities are endless.

But then, why kill him as he "comes back" from something, when you can kill him as he goes? And even if you kill him on his way back, why not blow him up in his own garage? After all, he lived in a wealthy area, and had a garage for his car. As it is, it seems rather that someone (a group of raiders hidden nearby) has undermined the road, to say it all.

Finally, why flee to Estonia knowing that it is perhaps the only place where the Russian passport is an obstacle?

The story that the FSB has made up does not serve to prove that the FSB is competent, and it does not prove that it is incompetent: if anything, it proves that Russia is ruled by a pile of idiots so stupid that they do not understand the danger inherent in giving citizenships and passports to an area invaded, bombed, massacred and looted, without even being sure that they killed everyone in the Azov battalion.

It does not serve to save the face of the FSB: it only serves to save the face of the Russian government, which in the name of Dugin's nonsense has opened the door to the country to any number of sworn enemies.

Probably the actions of these raiders with Russian passports have been under our eyes for some time, and when the Russians speak of "sabotage" after an explosion they are telling the truth: and we have always had it under our eyes. Only, no one had ever wondered what the side effects of distributing Russian passports and citizenships in Mariupol might be, without knowing exactly how much of the Azov battalion is left.

But it gets worse: according to what I read, with the opening of the schools and the enrollment of the children, the Ukrainians in the occupied areas will have to provide the school with a document. A Russian document. And this means that MILLIONS of Russian documents will be distributed, on the carpet. And this means that at the border they will get used to Ukrainian people with Russian passports. Assuming that the Russians keep customs: the ideology says that it is Russia.

What could possibly go wrong?

Imagining the range of possible things when a boundary is infinitely porous is difficult. Of course, Ukrainian raiders are unlikely to indulge in very “terrorist” acts, such as blowing up a cinema or a shopping mall.

And maybe they won't even cross the Ukraine-Russia border. With a valid passport it is better to go to Poland, then Belarus, then Russia. Or even Poland, Finland, Russia. And if with the winter the Russians will give blanket passports to millions of people, they will also have opened the borders to trucks, cars, campers, whatever.

Under these conditions, anything can enter. The Russians certainly can't empty every truck full of seed oil, unload every truck full of grain, to check if there aren't a couple of hundred kilos of explosives inside. O weapons, which travel very well in oil. There is no limit to the imagination.

What can a group of raiders do with weapons and explosives in Moscow?

Well, even here there is only one to choose from.

Let's say that if I were "Putin's cook" I would no longer feel safe. It is true that he has an escort, but if the enemy uses the “Falcone attack style”, you can make beer with the escort.

And this decision to give Russian passports, along with citizenship, is just the decision of


who got it because of an even bigger idiot , namely Aleksandr “Hands in the hair” Gelʹevič Dugin.

Who, if he really looks for the culprit of his daughter's death, has only to look at himself in the mirror.

As long as the mirror doesn't explode.