The press and the fediverse.

You realize that someone has something to hide not for what they say, but for what they DO NOT say. And you know that something is considered “better not to spread too much) when they never talk about it, or talk about it too little compared to its importance.

An example is the fediverse. It is an archipelago of small social networking platforms, which instead of all belonging to the same big company, which inevitably imposes rules, is made up of small platforms that federate together using a certain protocol. In our case, the protocol that is “converging” the most is Activity pub.

In short, imagine breaking Facebook or Twitter into about 5000 pieces, each managed by a different admin, with different rules, different sensitivities and you can choose which one to subscribe to, knowing that you can say this and that without your account being suspended, as long as your sysadmin thinks like you do.

Even creating your own pod, perhaps even for a single user, is not difficult: using software like Pleroma it can also run on a raspberry 4 with appreciable results. In this case you will not be able to keep many users. I use similar hardware and have no particular performance issues, with 12 users besides me.

How many are the "inhabitants" of the Fediverso? There is some kind of aggregator that tries to count them, and these are the numbers :

POPULATION ~ 4,039,449 accounts
ACTIVE USERS ~ 1,193,486 people
SERVERS> 5,747 instances

in practice, the number of servers is just under 6000, and in one day about a million people wrote. There are about four million users, which means we are still in the “early users” state.

What do these servers do? Well then, there are many different platforms. Some are very similar to Facebook, some to Twitter, some to youtube (and you can put videos on them), others are blogging platforms (this platform is also federated), there are platforms on which to put podcasts, there are 'one to publish scientific articles, etc.

You can find a collection starting here: Awesome ActivityPub

Now, since 4 million users are about users of a darknet with internal services like Tor, one wonders why it is not talked about so much in the press. Because the press has decided that we must talk about Tor (so no problem if so many are interested and go there) while not about the fediverse (and therefore we want the masses to be in the dark?). And why would it be better if he did the opposite?

Let's start with the last question.

This would be worth a little article in the mainstream press, but my impression is that their bosses don't want this to happen and people are going to try to get an account, for example here for an Italian account, or here .

Let's go to why, in my opinion, the press does not want the masses to know that there is a social network where it is so good.

  1. they do not lend themselves to their “I pay, therefore I demand” games. They cannot post their pages everywhere asking Facebook to "facilitate" the dissemination of their content.
  2. they do not lend themselves to data collection. I have seen some crawlers who have tried, but since I put my instance in "private" mode, they have stopped. The advertising seller cannot easily "profile" you.
  3. creating bot networks is almost not possible. You can create a user-bot very easily, but it cannot send millions of messages because it would kill the instance where it is registered and risk defederation of the instance by all the other admins. The Beast of Morisi just wouldn't work here.
  4. Spam also has a hard life for the same reasons that make life hard for bots.

And this is a problem: most of the press, the whole in Italy, follows a sovereign agenda in a more or less hidden way. In this sense, the idea that there is a social network where the sovereigns would be immediately isolated and the propaganda relegated does not like anything.

Furthermore, the fediverse don't lend themselves very well to advertising discourse, and it doesn't pay very well: if people moved there, the economic model of online newspapers would be broken.

For this reason, when we talk about the fediverse we don't talk about it much and without giving people any entry points. It is not explained how to enter it, it is not said that it is possible to make one's own request, and so on.

Because let's face it: it's almost too good to be true.

But it is true: it is the place where you have every right to speak, but no one has the duty to listen to you.

And this feeling, in my opinion, is what the press doesn't want you to have.

If you want to try it, you can go to:

or if you prefer a generalist Italian instance,

Good luck.