The price of too much economy.

While you kick on the malleoli to greet you (you could throw yourself a couple of whips and turn with the gagball in your mouth while you were there), and the Dkv / Kbv explains to Germany that they made 11,000 tampons only the last week (but in Silence . Says nothing? Working in silence ), a question arises.

The first is what the hell wants those who keep talking about "missing Europe". To begin with, the EU has, so far, no competence on public health issues. In the extreme, it exercises some control over the drug market.

And it is no coincidence: because if we gave the EU competences in the field of public health, then Italian health care should obey Brussels, or at least give an account of its work. Careers, spending, contracts.

And we know very well that if only we proposed to take away from Italian unions, pharmaceutical companies and politicians their favorite manger, and one of the most substantial in economic terms, the first to arise would be precisely those who today denounce the "Absence of Europe" . When in a city like Bologna there is a competition for stretcher bearers, they take on a hundred, and after six months everyone has back problems and asks for office work, all you do NOT want is European supervision .

What these charlatans would like, perhaps, is an emergency intervention, that is, an intervention in which, thanks to the confusion, everyone can eat without someone checking. They want the usual two things: chaos and money, the perfect recipe for pocketing money and blaming chaos .

But this is a minor problem. The problem is that we are looking at what happens when building a SPOF, a Single Point of Failure.

For all these years, the economy has been the driver of all politics. There was NOT ONE policy topic that could have been discussed without an economist. Was there talk of culture? Here is a financier who explained that the priority is growth. Was there talk of school? The priority is growth. Was there talk of welfare? The priority is growth.

I am not one of those who "prove" that infinite growth is impossible. It is a stupid argument, and it would suffice to observe how the quantity of financial derivatives exceeds, in value, the GDP of the entire planet, to prove its falsity. The "growth" that the financiers intend is possible, since it has nothing to do with reality, but with a hallucinatory axiom for which the risk turns into money, and a second hallucinatory axiom for which fear is an economic loss in itself. (these are the hallucinatory paradigms on which "finance" is based, essentially).

The cybergoth community greets affectionately.

In fact, the point I'm putting is another. Coronavirus has paralyzed the economy, and will end up doing so. Not because the victims will be many, but because the destructive effect of panic on the economy itself is enormous. Since the hallucinatory axiom of finance says that fear is 'damage in itself', giving those who control fear (the media) absolute power over the world of finance, the problem is that now the stock exchanges are paralyzed by fear. . The physical infrastructures are intact, 99.999% of the population (customers and production) are not affected by the epidemic, but everything is stopped .

To better understand, we can make a comparison with the plague epidemic that plagued Europe:

Nearly four centuries of epidemic. (Copyright, Feudalesimo & Liberta 'Shop)

This epidemic had devastating effects, and although it is remembered as medieval , it is actually a scourge for the whole of Europe for almost four centuries. And it didn't kill stuff like 2% of the infected population, here we are talking about mortality peaks to 30% of the total population .

But the situation was different. The countries were almost all kingdoms , that is, they had a political system based on the belief that God chose the rulers based on the fact that the King's pea was capable of creating another King, which (according to the King, the Queens often had other ideas) no one else could do better than the king.

And it happened that the priority was NOT "growth".

The result, oddly enough, was very different. We can discuss how it went, but:

If you compare those 300 years with one (and not only one, because in the meantime there were smallpox, syphilis, tuberculosis, and since we didn't like to win easy, wars were also going go-go) catastrophic epidemic that went for a walk for the continent, with the total blockage of the economy that has had in China for something that is a very fast influence, notice the difference immediately.

If an epidemic arrived today that kills 30% of the population, and lasted 300 years, on the basis of what we see for Coronavirus, we would be screwed.

Why'? Because NOTHING of what was done in the 300 years of European plague would be possible, and it is possible, if we consider that for the CoronaVirus the whole of China has stopped, the EU and the USA will soon follow.

For a flu that killed

What's the problem? What allows a very fast stupid influence to nail everything (because I bet there will be NO budget for anything else, if not to help entrepreneurs) when much heavier plagues, interspersed with continuous wars, have not almost paralyzed nothing?

The answer is simple: finance. This is the weak point of the world economy. In the last few years you have never had systemic industry crises. We have not seen systemic infrastructure crises. There have been no systemic crises in transport, communications, trade.

The only crises we have had are financial. Finance is the weak point of the system.

It is the weak point because it is based on two axioms that I call hallucinators because they have nothing to do with reality. Not the material reality, but with whatever our brain can build thinking about reality itself.

These are two axioms that associate the lack of fear (the courage to take risks) with gain, and fear (or risk allergy), with losses. As soon as something frightening happens, the losses immediately begin. As soon as trust begins, which turns into the courage to take risks, "growth" begins.

In practice, it is a finance driven by adrenaline and the fight or flight mechanism. And not only did the adrenaline monetize, (by assigning the gain to the fight and the loss from the flight ), but it was decided that the adrenaline is THE MAXIMUM PRIORITY.

Nothing can be done, apparently, without first having growth. Because growth gives courage, and courage becomes other growth. But the result is very simple: that if fear spreads, EVEN WITHOUT DAMAGE OF EVIDENT MATERIALS ON A SYSTEM SCALE, a systemic crisis is obtained.

Of course, even during the plague period investments were languishing: but they were NOT THE FIRST AMONG THE PRIORITIES, so the rest proceeded without problems.

If growth had been the top priority during the plague, no Pope would have spent money on the Sistine Chapel, you would not have had St. Mark's Square, Galileo would not have had any university to research, the same universities would not have been born '(most were born in those 4 centuries, before they were half a dozen in all), no books would have been written, there would have been no philosophical discussions, the Americas would not have been discovered, in the end NOTHING would have been done. Strengthen the English fleet just as London is in the throes of a terrible plague? Madness, one would say today. "The Crown got rid of the Plague and other similar trifles," replied the rulers.

It's called SPOF. Single point of failure. The system that, if it doesn't work, makes everything else collapse because it all depends on that piece of architecture.

Finance is the SPOF of the world.

Continuous crises. Theories that look like magic and use the symbols of mathematics like magicians use the Tarot, lying on the premises. A complete subordination to the mass media: if the mass media spread fear, the system collapses.

I repeat.

If the mass media spread fear, the financial system collapses, and everything else goes with it.

The financial system is conditioned by adrenaline, which is conditioned by the mass media. Everything else rests on the financial system. Result: the mass media are no longer the fourth power. I'm the first.

So far, there are two systems known to get out of this nightmare.

  1. The state takes control of finance.
  2. The state takes control of the mass media.
  3. The state takes control of both.

Either the link between adrenaline and finance is broken up, or the choice is simple, because both in the first case and in the second case, in the end you end up in the third case anyway.

Not for nothing in the period of the black plague, when there were plague, tuberculosis, syphilis, smallpox and more (and to dress everything there were wars) in Europe there were almost no democracies and the power of the media was very limited.

In the end, the perverse mechanism that blocks the economy is there for all to see: the mass media use fear to paralyze everything.

We don't have a Coronavirus problem. We have a mass media problem.
