The whites nobody wants to see, 3. The end.

I wanted to write another post in the wake of this , but I realized that showing photographs of another row of poor English, French, Italian or German would add little. So I decided to do something better, that is, to abstract the problem in generic terms.

What is the reason why poor whites are radicalized more and more regardless of the government (for example they radicalized during the Obama administration) while minorities radicalize "a jo-jo", that is, during governments adverse? Is there an even more general rule?

We can build it. Take for example that Confucian proverb that if you give a man a fish you helped him for a day, but if you tell him how to fish you have helped him forever.

The moral sense of this proverb is clear. But we know that politics is a branch of aesthetic thought, not moral. So what is the political sense of this proverb?

The sense is practically the opposite: if you give a poor man a fish, you are interacting with him as a person. Fish comes to a person through interaction with another person.

The political payback is that he will say:

Good. If instead you teach him to fish, what happens? It happens that the interaction with the fish does not include the teacher. The teacher taught to fish. But you took the fish yourself. What is the political payback? Simple.

This is the reason why the Catholic Church spends more on charity than on education of the poor: charity pays much more in political terms, even if in moral terms it would make education more.

There is a clear dichotomy between "creating stable conditions to get out of hunger" and "giving food". Although the more deserving thing is the first of the two, the second has a higher political income.

Having said that, let's take the Western political class.

Let's take the new president Biden as well. And let's say they intend to deal BOTH with the poor whites I described in the last post on the subject – see the photos , and with the black malaise. What will be the logic of your intervention?

Let's assume both of them work 100%. What is the political payback?

In reality, a rational person should argue that the economic growth that has allowed whites out of misery is also due to the government, but there are TWO differences:

This will give the whites the feeling of having saved themselves, while it will give the minorities the feeling that they can only live when the left is in government .

This is important for understanding radicalization. The poor white man from the Appalachian mountains, of whom I spoke in the previous post, was witnessing his own genocide: in a tin house, he was not sure he would survive next winter, nor that the child would survive. He didn't need Qanon to believe the white genocide, because he was witnessing his own.

At some point, looking for a job, he finds one. He works hard, and manages to have a heated house. What do you see? Who escaped his own genocide because he looked for a job. Who escaped the genocide because he worked hard and spared. That he did it because he moved his ass. He has never seen a government man, a social worker or the mayor: those are for blacks and minorities.

Even if the American economy exploded and those whites all got jobs, they wouldn't de-radicalize. Having never personally interacted with the government, they don't see its merits. They don't see the man who gave them the fish. They see that they caught a fish, but whoever created the conditions to catch one, they don't see it.

if those poor whites ever get out of their poor condition due to an economic boom, the first thing they'll buy is a semi-automatic shotgun. They will feel survivors, escaped the genocide of whites only thanks to their readiness to seize a job opportunity. And they will be afraid that the hunger babau will come back. The bad guys who wanted genocide are still there.

This mistake is made by all Western governments. Across Europe, when the migrants arrived, the government took steps to "give them a fish". Social services and associations have been activated. For white citizens, however, politics always and in any case consist in saying "it takes more 'growth', so that they can find a job".

There is therefore a double track:

The native white is always considered skilled and therefore privileged, even when he evidently lives in terrible conditions, and if he does not make it he is told that "he has no excuses" (as if no native white can fail), while the minorities (also when REALLY privileged) it says that you have to act personally and directly.

Even assuming that the operation is successful and both problems are resolved, what will happen?

With each cycle of this politics that paradoxically passes for "left", there is an ever greater polarization and an ever greater radicalization. But in the end, the white extremists win. For a very simple reason: you got this situation by working systematically the wrong way. You gave fish to the minorities you saw in need of direct and immediate intervention, while you forced the majority to learn to fish after filling the river with fish.

In the long term, obviously those who have learned to fish will always win.

And we start all over again.

You could get out of this cycle by acting differently:

However, this is not done. We are working on the contrary, giving fish to minorities and expecting the locals to learn to fish, with the only duty to fill the river with fish.

Welfare is then built that help minorities through personal interaction , but leave the “normal” natives the duty to seize the opportunities.

With the result of an ever greater radicalization of both sides.

Except that people who have learned to fish have more money to buy an assault rifle as soon as they have really taken one of these famous "opportunities".

And here is why we will soon be talking about a French problem, a huge (and amplified by #brexit) UK problem, and within 4 years of a fascist regime in the US.