What very few men will tell you.

I think I stimulated some curiosity when I wrote about fascists as "failed males", and so my contacts on Tox reacted by asking me to clarify what I meant. So I decided to write this post, which perhaps will also clarify why I speak in a certain way about women (though not all of them: some, very few, do not fit into this portrait – I married one).

I have received several questions from my Tox contacts, and I will try to answer all of them. The questions are not many, if compared with the number of contacts,

Given that this hundred people took the trouble to download and install the Tox client, and to contact me and talk to me, I would say that a dozen questions deserve a response. If the blog had comments, they would be the ones who always write.

Let's get to the point: if you have reached a certain age, at a certain point you looked back (also due to a certain lowering of the level of testosterone – a liberation!) And you started to understand why you are as you are, and how did you get there?

Let me be clear: what I understood now I had not understood before. As a young man I didn't understand what and why, and only with a certain retrospective can you really understand what happened to you. Or what they did to you. And who.

So, if you are male and have an excellent memory, at some point you see your childhood. And you see the wonderful thing you were. You were beautiful. Sweet, sensitive, and in your own way good and innocent. The females are a little less so, and I have confirmed it by growing a daughter. But if you are male, and you turn back to your childhood, you will love yourself. You will feel a sense of tenderness and sweetness towards yourself, and your spiritual beauty. And not just for yourself, because you will realize that even the other children you remember, after all, were like you.

So far nothing strange. That childhood is made of beauty and goodness (if you have grown up in the right part of the world, of course) is not a mystery or a novelty.

But with the arrival of adolescence everything has changed, and male education has begun. It lasts throughout adolescence. A monstrous process that through a series of psychological tortures, and spiritual mutilations, strives to transform you into one of those monsters that you will then call "rapists", "feminicides", "violent men", "toxic males".

Before feminists cry: you have a guilty conscience . But ugly: because most of the tortures, humiliations, and spiritual mutilations are the work of your kind. If there is one thing I have learned from your genre it is that sensitivity is not a quality: it is the necessary requirement to become a good torturer . I am very wary of "sensitive" women: I know that I will find cruel monsters up to inhuman, with the gift of understanding where it hurts the most, called "sensitivity".

For this reason, when I see the story of the raped woman and the murdered woman, I go straight thinking " that is the male you built. That's what you get when you HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL. It is your best product. What fault do I have if it's built to kill you? YOU did it that way . ". You are so stupid as to instigate the males to be violent throughout adolescence, convinced that they will be violent with everyone except you, what is my fault?

To understand this better: the Weinsteins, the Epsteins, the thugs, the rapists, in high school were all "chads", to use the Incel's own terminology. They were the most popular, the most loved ones, those who had successfully completed all the steps of male education. The ones you managed to shape as you wanted.

He had succeeded really well.

Incidentally, if it were up to me in high school I would go back to the division between the female classes and the male classes, in order not to allow the girls to do most of the work of transforming the male into an animal. And I am very positively surprised to find that in Germany males tend to isolate themselves from girls for the entire duration of high school: an instinct for self-preservation which, although instinctive, I find admirable. Because as for sadism the German girls are not better than the Italian ones, and they also try to complete their "work" of education.

Work that fortunately fails 99.99% of the time. And fortunately for women, because

If the masculine education (to which the women / girls give the main contribution) does not fail almost all of the times, EVERY male would kill a woman, EVERY male would rape a woman, EVERY male would beat his wife. Fortunately, male education fails most of the time. Almost everyone manages to escape much of the process.

But the failure of male education is not completely good news.

It is one thing to come back alive from the front, an account is to return not mutilated and sane.

The most common strategies for escaping this monstrous process are different. I know some of them

If you do this, you will survive the so-called "male education", and you will remain practically human. I have practiced, in different percentages, these strategies from 13 to 22 years, and have worked. I came out almost untouched, and managed to preserve the most important qualities, those that I wanted to save. Some, I admit, were equally struck by which slut who had good aim. I have some wounds and some scars. I left a few pounds of meat on the ground. But the damage balance, said in hindsight, was quite limited.

Maybe there are other strategies. But I didn't know them. Nobody teaches you.

But if you want to escape "toxic masculinity", that is what I call "male education", the other men are not the enemy . It is mainly women and girls around you. And you are vulnerable. Because their mastery is to make you believe you are so weak, fragile, helpless …

But not everyone can get out of this education almost unscathed. And here we are at the point of the fascists. At the end of this horrendous process, we get some classes of males that I identify in my own way . Practically:

The latter will become fascists, leaguers or those male-beasts you see among football fans, petty criminal troublemakers, and other human wreckage. They have lost all dignity, self-esteem and self-love during their "masculine education", and therefore they do not know exactly how to be a male, what sense it has and what it is exactly.

So they embrace the fascist narrative. It's simple: fascism proposes an easy and cheap male model, based on a few imitative gestures and phrases, some arrogance and a lot of pretense of being great warriors. It is an economic, immediate and easy to wear "narrative of virility".

In fact, fascism is a male disguise , for a male castrated by his "male education", and reduced to a condition that he no longer has almost any integral spiritual component. Their spirit is devastated by innumerable wounds and mutilations, almost all inflicted by scholars (pardon: "sensitive") female hands, and the depth of the wounds is such as to reach spiritual castration. Not for nothing the fascists almost always have problems of impotence that they remedy with drugs, or end up sooner or later in the arms of a transsexual prostitute: the pain of wounds to the spirit has castrated them inside.

This is about the point: the fascist is nothing but a teenager massacred to his inner masculinity, a failed male , who finds in fascism … a male uniform. Sure, it's a carnival uniform, but it's the only thing they have.

Fascism is nothing but a male uniform. A disguise, an expedient with which males castrated by the cruelty of male education try to still look male. In reality they are no longer, because being healthy males requires an inner narrative that speaks for itself in a certain way, and they have lost their words. It requires the possibility of making a gesture of sweetness towards themselves, but they have been cut off those inner hands that would have served to give themselves this caress.

Unable to be male anymore, they dress up as males. And the most economical and eye-catching disguise is fascism.

Fascism is an economic way of looking virile, chosen by those who have been mutilated in the spirit in such a total and devastating way that they can no longer be men. They may be fascists, but not men.

Because if you got out of that barbarism that was male education like this:

The offer to become this will be absolutely acceptable to you:

Now you have your legs and arms again. And patience for the face.

This is what I mean when I call the fascists "failed males".

They are simply males left castrated by the so-called "male education", so lovingly furnished by so many "sensitive" female hands, failed males who use fascism for what it is: a disguise.

A men's disguise.

Let me be clear: it is not my intention to pass them off as victims or absolve them. They are, like everyone else, the product of an educational system that aims to produce rapists and feminicides, and fortunately almost all of the times it fails.

It is not even an attempt to ingratiate myself with any "feminist", since I consider the female gender to be one of the main culprits of this monstrosity, and therefore I never accept their whining. Those who rape and kill you have loved them all through adolescence, you have preferred them to others and you have pushed them to be as they are. (moreover, inflicting painful humiliations / injuries to all others). Enjoy them as adults.

Whoever raises a snake in his breast, does not cry as he dies of his bite.

I hope I have answered all your questions on the subject.

And no, what I wrote here you won't hear from many, and you won't hear it often. Assuming you want to hear it. Or that you want to listen.
