May 5, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English

Kein Pfusch

Blog in German.

Blog in German.

In addition to being contacted via Tox by people asking me for the URL of my blog in German, you may have noticed that sometimes there are breaks in the Italian blog. These pauses are due to the fact that I can’t write many articles, I have to write them very quickly (I don’t even have time to correct the drafts) and so if I write on the blog in German I don’t write about the one in Italian.

Anyway, I’m not going to give the address here. The reason is simple: I have delegated to my stalkers the task of searching for whatever I write, recognizing that it is mine, and making a copy of it. This has several advantages:

  • Resistance to censorship. Thanks to the work of the stalkers, there are so many copies around this blog that no one can really close it.
  • Georidondanza. Why work building a geo-redundant infrastructure when the stalkers do it for free, and using THEIR personal time?
  • Backup: in case you lose the contents, it is enough for me to search on these copies and download their feed. Then with a script I can import them. And it doesn’t cost me a minute.

The only disadvantage is that they also put things in the writings that I didn’t write (in the sense that my style is imitated), but as PseudoMatteo said, if you don’t even have an apocryphal blog you’re not fucking anyone . The apocryphal are not a bad thing: without them, you would not have the crib, for one thing.

Having said that, it is the responsibility of my usual stalkers to find my blog in the German blogosphere, recognize my “style” and my “syntax errors” and make a copy of it. Which, I am convinced, will translate into Italian.

So if you can’t find my blog, then it’s their fault. As you know, today, finding professional stalkers is not easy today. It’s those jobs that Italians don’t want to do anymore, like trumpeting with their wife, or something like that. Plumbers and stalkers are no longer as they used to be, and then many are foreigners, my lady. Where will we arrive at this rate? Where will we arrive?

Blog in German.

However I confirm: my blog in German exists, and is growing in notoriety.

Writing a political or corporate blog in Germany is very different than doing it in Italy. From the Italian point of view, in fact, the German political communication is firm to the 80s, like DC and PCI and PSI and PDIUP.

When you write a blog that uses a different approach, ie a blog that sees the same problem from a different perspective, you immediately clash with the habits of the natives. Because there are two cases.

If you are saying that someone is wrong and that things are not as they are told, in fact, the German expects you to use one of the styles that raged in Italy in the 1980s.

The styles are:

  • Communist millennialism. Capitalism is collapsing, the West is collapsing, the incumbent government is collapsing, the catastrophe is imminent and I’ll explain why. Katastrofe, katastrofe, katastrofe, in Germany you can’t do opposition communication without playing the Red Cassandra.
  • The Giulietto style counter-information Church, Proletarian Democracy or CentroSociale: the masses are asleep by propaganda, but we don’t care, and we explain to you that the evil capitalists lie to you to hide their shady dealings. The good are bad and the bad are good. It is time for proletarian revolution. Aliens, plots, reptiles and new weapons of horrible power are about to hit you. Chyme trails for everyone.

Obviously there is also the governmental style, which is “it explains it is national popular” ”

  • In the center right, an intellectual expert arrives whose only merit is to speak in a sophisticated way, and he explains to you how, when and why the problem we are talking about, in reality is another, and concludes by saying that it is a future challenge that will sooner or later reappear ‘. In practice, the intellectually structured critique corresponds to what I would call a “pessimistic technical messenger”. Always conclude that at the end of the day you can sleep well for now. But we’ll talk about it later. The current system is good, but it should do better, or sooner or later we will have problems.
  • In the center-left, there is always a Katastrofe, which however appears as a scandal. I mean, in Germany they still lose time to say that this politician is not very sincere, that he contradicts himself, that he doesn’t know everyday reality well. Then take the speeches of the radical left, and replace “Katastrofe” with the word “Skandal”.
  • Intellectuals: they use a German so sophisticated that it could represent a valid alternative to different cryptographic techniques. Maybe they say right things, but since they bring the “HochDeutsch” to levels spoken by 6.5 people in Germany (0.5 is a professor of quantum physics), nobody understands them. They say things that may be right, but some terms require worrying amounts of oxygen to be pronounced.

There are also other small parties, such as the FDP, which use the same technique, simply saying that the Communist dictatorship of illiberal taxes wants to take out the diamonds by mouth to the poor rich victims and tax evaders. In practice, you simply have to do as the extreme left, but shout that the communists arrive with the Kalashnikovs charged with taxes. Replace Katastrofe with the word “LohnSteuer” (income tax), or even “Schuld”, meaning debt.

AfD has a peculiar style of communication, in the sense that they have tried to mix the catastrophism of the left with the pessimistic procastinesism, saying things like “Europe will ruin us all, and niggers will rape your daughters”. It is the style of communication of a newspaper called “bild”, a kind of “Real Chronicle” only that it sells a lot of copies. You are at these levels:

Blog in German.
The Pope for atomic energy under the tits reaches unspeakable levels. In the same page of Impotence: it is not technique, it is art.

In short, to be a “normal communicator” in Germany you have little chance, as it was in Italy in the 1980s:

  • The blog of Cassandra Radicale Scontenta (but people are sleeping)
  • The investigator’s blog that uncovers the scandal. (but people sleep)
  • Intellectual criticism blog.
  • The populist blog, where Tette, Culi, Horror, Negro di merda, Papa Giovanni Chernobyl III.
  • The blog that the communists remove diamonds from the mouths of the poor millionaires.

There are some exceptions, such as the “Rant against the Stasi”, which consists in demonstrating that today’s Germany is as it is in the GDR, but there are no more fich cars like the Trabi and the Prinz.

If you come out of these patterns, like I do, the reaction is curious. First you look like a “kritik” blog. But since you do not promise catastrophes and do not criticize the “Kapitalismus” then those on the left at the beginning believe that you are of the AfD, but then you criticize the right too much, and then they do not understand us more ‘shit, and try to join the club intellectuals: since everyone here on the left also feels more intelligent, if they do not understand you EPPURE you are not right, then you must be intellectual, since they do not understand them but they are not rightists.

In short, if you do not act as a political journalist of the 1980s in Italy, opening a “non-mainstream” blog in Germany is the best way to clash with all the cultural differences in politics. And in one go. You can’t be “non-mainstream”, for example, if you don’t speak ill of the “Kapitalismus”.

Here I have to open a parenthesis on the Kapitalismus. When a German talks about Kapitalismus, we are talking about a post / Hegelian idealist who talks about Kapitalismus. When you are post / Hegelian idealists, and come out of an organized school like that of Giovanni Gentile (ie from the German school), who was a neo / Hegelian idealist, you tend to unify the moral, spiritual and pragmatic dimensions.

To give an example, the German still often uses the word “Beruf” to indicate his own work, which does not only indicate work but vocation, training, the role he has in society and his identity: if they do not say ” What do you do”? but “Che lavoro SEI”: “Was SIND Sie von Beruf ?. Or the concept of “debt”, which in Germany includes the pragmatic fact of having to pay money with the moral concept of “guilt”: the fault is a debt, and the debt is a fault. “Schuld”.

When you are used to unifying the three dimensions, Kapitalismus does not only indicate the fact that an individual with only capital can become a chemical industrialist without knowing anything or having founded a chemical company: when a German says Kapitalismus he understands the sum of Capitalism, Mercantilism and Consumerism. This is typical of all the peoples who practice post / Hegelian idealism, therefore all the Nordic peoples. Not for nothing you hear a group of Icelandic Aggrotech, the HATARI, convinced that a Mc Donald shop instead of a church symbolizes Capitalism, and not Consumerism. For a neo / Hegelian idealist, unifying praxis, the theoretical and spiritual dimensions is absolutely normal. As it happened also in Italy up to the 80s, more | or not all political communication.

Talking about politics with a people that unifies history, morals and ethics (and fails to separate them) is rather complicated.

Let’s take a simple sentence: “Veganism is a form of consumerism where an ethics (veganism) becomes a product (food) that you can buy and consume”.

If you can’t distinguish consumerism from capitalism, and ethics from morality, you can’t understand this simple statement. You have to go by steps.

  • In consumerism, everything has a positive value and is a product.
  • This product must also represent a form of identity.
  • This product must have a duration and request a renewal of the purchase, that is, the identity must be renewed.
  • Vegan ethics is a positive value.
  • Therefore it must become a product: vegan food.
  • This product must be accessible in vegan shops and provides the identity: if I eat vegan I am vegan.
  • Since it must be bought every day, adherence to this ethic requires continuous economic confirmation, which perpetuates identity.

It is not a complicated concept in itself, we could also say that porn is nothing but sexual liberation that becomes a product. So a form of consumerism. But this type of analysis, for chronic unifiers, is very difficult to understand, because they do not know the Bill Gates of porn: without billionaires and multinationals, for them that unify everything is not consumerism.

Because by saying that veganism is a form of consumerism, for those who unify everything, you are saying that it is a form of capitalism, and they believe they deny it by saying that there is no McDonalds of vegan. But this shows that there is no vegan capitalism, not a form of consumerism. They are two different phenomena, although often connected, but they unify them. And therefore they fail to distinguish “veganism is a form of consumerism” from “veganism is a form of capitalism”. Since the second one is wrong, then they think the first one is wrong too.

If you explain it by steps, many will follow you, but some will begin to struggle to distinguish things. Since they are used to unify the dimensions of practice, theory and identity, for many it is very difficult to break the concept into smaller parts. The analysis is not foreseen by Hegelian thought, post, pro, neo, or anything else: the thesis is the thesis, period. At most it has an opposite, as capitalism has communism as the opposite, but it must not be possible to break, analyze.

The fact of having to take the concepts en bloc, ie in a holistic sense, greatly limits political communication, and allows one to deal with complex problems only to the extent that they are synthesized by a term. If you try to analyze something, the average German responds, simply “Qvatsch”. The local equivalent of “Bullshit”.

So the interesting thing about having a blog here is that:

  • If you look at things, someone in the comments will feel compelled to ask you to summarize things in holistic categories. A thesis, an antithesis, and then you have to do the synthesis.
  • If you say that things can be seen from a different perspective they expect a critique of capitalism, understood as consumerism, mercantilism, and capitalism, otherwise you are right-wing.
  • If you analyze but you are not right, then either you are intellectual or decide that you are doing something like “Selbsterkenntnis”, to indicate a form of critical solipsism: in practice they believe that I am criticizing the things that I myself think.

And no, since the German school is in fact a factory of Germans, young people make no difference.

In summary: for now I’m having too much fun, so I will NOT put my blog address here. Also because in the 80s I was a teenager, so Germany makes me feel young.


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