Bergamo, do we cover the massacres?

About what happened during the pandemic in Bergamo, sooner or later someone will tell the truth. Probably, it will happen when a certain sect of Catholic fundamentalists has lost the power it has today, and when the owners of some newspapers will no longer profit on health. I mean, not today.

And if there is a way to cover up someone's faults, in Italy it is to “throw it in caciara”. Because in Brussels today they want to try to understand those images: for those who do not live abroad, the photos of the coffin trucks have shocked the whole of Europe. Bergamo is in the European imagination, and when it comes to coronavirus we hear people say "we must prevent what happened in Bergamo".

Because in Bergamo, and in the area that alone has had 12,000 deaths, (consider that in the whole of Germany today we are about 90,000 and in Italy about 129,000), the tragedy represented by a pandemic affecting a health care was consummated. colonized by a sect of fanatics, who practice brainwashing followers, and who have in fact made all decisions with the medieval yardstick of their culture: that of the lazaret.

Because this is: sending the infected to rest places, where the elderly are, is not just an absurd mistake (the elderly also die of normal flu and hepatitis, for example), but it is the result of a mentality that dates back, in fact, to the Catholic world of the twentieth century. That world where if you are dying in the misery of the wounds and in the cries of your bed neighbors, in suffering and in solitude because visits are forbidden, you can only turn your soul to the Lord.

This is the mentality that led to an unclean massacre, (combined also with the local confindustries that they wanted to keep open: the same mentality, "fuck you science that God divides the good from the bad"), should be today at the center of a trial to be held in the Hague. Of a Nuremberg, where the executioners of the region, who have taken the decision to send the infected to places where there were only elderly people, should receive their punishments.

One thing must be understood: it has nothing to do with Covid being a new virus or not. Because NO devil of protocol suggests sending the infected into nursing homes: even if it had been flu or colitis, it would have been dangerous. They do not send infected with anything into facilities that house tens of thousands of elderly. Any virus you are talking about.

But no. Everyone must be exonerated. Because the Sect of Pain is powerful. So the Republic must lend itself to "throw it in caciara".

And so, we invent these INVERECONDE SLUTS, which are not so much an offense to Russia (and I will explain why later), as an offense to the intelligence and dignity of the reader.

I talk about this shit here, which appeared on Repubblica:

This stuff is so bad that the "paywall" acts as a "shamewall": to be less ashamed.

First of all: when Russia sends this convoy, Italy is literally in chaos.

Italy faced a pandemic with a government whose majority party was against vaccines, and Bergamo has regional healthcare run by a party that did not believe in masks and social distancing, and a Lombard health system infiltrated by a sect rather religious chat. What could possibly go wrong?

Let's go into the merits of an article that should be called "shovel of shit on the white wall of journalism".

The article claims that the Russians would have sent the convoy to acquire data that, in any case, would be "medical data" or in any case "scientific data" on the coronavirus.

But the scientific and medical data are shared as a matter of practice, not the plans for an atomic bomb. And then, what would be the danger for Italy? Could Russia be able to cure the virus? That they know how to get a vaccine? What's the danger, exactly?

Let's ignore the fact that it seems to me a rational move (since the Chinese didn't give real data) to get real data, samples and estimates on the field, honestly I don't see a scandal.

After all, let's pretend to be journalists and let's ask ourselves one thing: if the Russians had asked for more scientific data from the Italian government, would they have DENIED it?

Imagine that instead of sending an aid mission (which in any case disinfested dozens of nursing homes) they had asked the Italian government to send

  1. the effectiveness of the reagent / antiseptic X, Y, Z, K on the virus in the case of buildings closed after 5 days.
  2. the effectiveness of any reagent used in Italy on the virus, in the case of buildings closed after 5 days of use.
  3. the number of variants of the virus found in nursing homes.
  4. the ventilation / lighting characteristics (the virus dies in the sun's rays) of the retirement homes
  5. the effects of the lockdown on the spread of the virus in real time.

would Italy have provided this data OR WOULD IT HAVE DENIED THEM?

Since presumably he would NOT deny them for simple humanitarian reasons , one wonders what need there would have been for espionage. So why organize an infiltration mission?

Because Italy did not have those data.

Because at that time in the government there was chaos, panic, and all the incompetence and cialtroneria of the regions (who fought among themselves southerners-gnegne, polentoni-gnegne, like De Luca) made itself felt.

Because let's face it, reading the newspapers from abroad felt like organizing a kommando to go down to Italy and rescue elderly relatives. What you saw looked like the Mariuccia kindergarten.

De Luca who quarreled with Fontana about southerners and polentoni, the Venetian who saved himself by believing in a luminary who then fired, Sicily who feared a mass return of students but did not close the port in Messina as if it were not an island, regions who had free beds and others that exploded, without 20 ADULTS coming up with a video conference to divide the effort while the Italian patients were sent to Germany, the school minister who spends 300 euros per desk when a cheap android tablet it costs 250, only to discover that the students do not have computers for DAD, confindustria which says "saving lives is fine, but not at any cost", no statistical data on which are the places of greatest infection, and if you had still want to laugh, De Luca who gets angry about Juventus Naples.

Under these conditions, the Italian government had no useful scientific data to provide, FOR THE SIMPLE REASON that it had no data, it never collected it, it never analyzed it, and it never used it.

And not only that: it emerges that the Italian plan against epidemics is a third grade term, and all the country can do is rely on the armed forces and impose a curfew. Why the military? Because I am the only place in Italy where if the boss says to do something the others do it.

And I say this because often, from abroad, we have seen the minister of health say to do something and the regions answer THAT THEY WOULD NOT DO IT.

It also happened in Germany, and as a result Merkel went to parliament and took power away from the Länder, sanctioning that the Bundestag prevails over them. Couldn't it also be done in Italy?

Under these conditions, the ONLY way to get decent data was to send a humanitarian mission. The Italian government DID NOT have any useful data to provide, other than “a complete lockdown is needed”.

And the main ruling party had this:

I hope he's not his own make-up artist too. Manifestation of M5S.
Salvini believes in masks, and protects the elderly. It would be funny if it weren't true.

These were the largest parties in Parliament, of which one was the main ruling party, when the pandemic broke out. What could possibly go wrong?

Honestly, with a circus like that instead of the government, I too would have sent a military mission to check out what the hell was going on. And if the Russian secret services note that everything is managed by a sect of religious fanatics already involved in a scandal for the transfusion of HIV infected blood, even more so.

But let's go into the “precious stolen data”, because there are some things in the article that are not well understood. To hear the article, with what the Russians “stole” when they were doing their mission and cleaning up hospices where the massacre took place, they would have been able to build themselves the Sputnik vaccine.

Give the Nobel to that mission at this point. But the question is:

If the Russians have made the sputnik with the data taken in Italy, how is it that Italy has not made its own sputnik? Did he ignore the same data?

Yes, he ignored them. Seen from abroad, Italy's management of the pandemic has gone through three phases:

  1. the government doesn't understand shit, but civil protection seems to know what it's saying and the experts are experts. The experts suggest the lockdown, and the government executes.
  2. the government doesn't understand shit but can't stand the experts because they are in charge, so it creates a mixed CTS of experts and politicians, and it all ends up in football fans.
  3. the (new) government still doesn't understand shit, but thanks to its powerpoint expertise the new government elaborates a regional color system that does not follow any laws of physics (viruses don't see borders) but undoubtedly makes scary slides.

With this approach, who should have made an Italian vaccine? And especially, WHAT COLOR SHOULD THE PACKAGE BE? (cit. Douglas Adams)

Now, according to the article with the data that a convoy of soldiers would have taken during the Italian mission it would have been possible:

On this I have two things to say. If Russia defended itself with that data, then it must have been shitty data , given the results. In Russia the situation is not rosy, to say, and vaccinations are very slow.

Therefore, I would not say that the data collected worked.

And even on the methods of treatment, it didn't work much, and the trend over time is not so similar: the Russians are dying like flies, and more and more are dying.

On the fact that with the data collected in Italy by a single military mission that has spent most of the time disinfecting hospices, an entire vaccine can be built, I cannot say without laughing.

If this is possible, why does Italy not have its own vaccine, despite having production capacities and a more conspicuous pharma supply chain? Well, you will say that Italy basically participated in producing AstraZeneca, and that it then had its own vaccine, which the Court of Auditors rejected.

The last sentence would be enough for a popular uprising and a lynching of the judges, but the point is that the only place where the Russians could have taken the data was Pomezia, headquarters of Advent Srl (subsidiary of AstraZeneca), while the Russian mission in Pomezia landed there under the control of the Italian military, and then moved north.

And it would also be a justified alarm (maybe he just needs to set foot in Italy to pick up the waves of thought) if it weren't for the fact that the Russian vaccine is completely different from that of Astrazeneca. This mystery, too, obviously cannot be explained.

I will be very sincere: the article by Repubblica (in addition to showing that Italian journalism is now taking lessons in dignity from the mafia of trafficking in underage prostitutes), is the classic “throw it in caciara”. Are they trying to hide the massacre?

In the end, even if the Russians had obtained medical data in Italy, recording the experience during the aid, what exactly would Italy have lost? And why didn't Italy get a vaccine like Sputnik with the same data? And why couldn't the Russian government just ask for medical data, as it was only medical data and not atomic bombs?

What kind of "secret" is there around a medical datum that is used to CURE a disease? And what kind of danger?

Do you know why it is dangerous for the Russians to know what happened in Bergamo?

you can only get out of this situation in one way:

  1. a commission of inquiry that clarifies, once and for all, who ordered what and why, during the Bergamo carnage.
  2. what was the role of the Setta del Dolore in the management of Lombard health care at that time.
  3. a trial for the carnage, which clarifies who the hell gave the order to put the sick in hospices, which is a massacre with ANY infectious virus, and not just with COVID.
  4. Someone to explain this number: 14% mortality on the infected.
14% of deaths on the infected?

That number is a scandal. There are two cases: considering 4% of Germany and 1% of Russia, either the infections were underestimated by a factor of 3, (and therefore the color system was only ridiculous), or the Russians really had LITTLE to learn in Italy.

Without this, when you shout at the bad Russians, you sound like the leaders of a German satirical party, "Die PArtei", which has this on the program:

"The PARTEI (Party) demands that the German courts recognize the justification" It was Putin "as an excuse even in cases of rent arrears, train delays, rear-end collisions, defective mobile phone displays, etc."

Here, join the Partei.

At least you could pass Repubblica as a satirical newspaper.

Otherwise, you make a figure of SHIT.

And as they say in Bologna, the more shit you mix it up, the more it stinks.