May 6, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Carmilla again?

Carmilla again?

I don't often use the term radicalchic as a pejorative, for a very simple reason: all those who in Italy (or in Europe in general) like to be seen as such in reality are not. The boundaries of income and the social class to which the term refers in the USA, when you arrive in Italy, are essentially populated by people who vote for the party of comfortable pigs, whatever it is.

The Italian radical chic, therefore, either does not have the income to be chic, or it is not absolutely radical and votes for the League. The American radical chic was a rich white man who identified with the conditions of poor blacks, but the only correspondent in Italy is the rich exploitative male entrepreneur who identifies with the suffering of the unemployed woman raped [by immigrants, of course]. The radical behavior is therefore to be attributed more to the League which, however, is not very radical, even if it has the money to believe it is chic.

However, there are exceptions; there is at least one group in Italy that is perfectly successful in trying to resemble the American radicals. The members of this group procure the income necessary to believe themselves chic, and at the same time they spend time identifying themselves with the condition of those who cannot obtain the same income, such as the proletarians. (whatever that means today).

These are sub-groups as diverse as Wu Ming, Carmilla and others. In this post I will deal with Carmilla, since they have come up with a masterpiece of radicalism , if you allow me to coin a term (and you have not seen me creating compound words in German, so take radicalism and shut up).

I wanted, in this post, to have fun debunking that article.

The article is this: -collective/

Let's start.

Carmilla again?

The opening words are encouraging. It is true that the person claims to be a social scientist and not a scholar of logic, however the admission of "noticing a distortion in the perception of time" and the admission of having moved 16 months late, all of them in the same paragraph. Promises well.

Carmilla again?

I wonder on which planet this person lives, given that if there is one thing that is filling every corner of the web and is present every day on TV and in newspapers, it is a debate on covid and the green pass. I don't know where there is a shortage of debate on these issues (and I'd like to live there, to be honest), but this planet doesn't fall into that category. If there is one thing that is not lacking, it is the debate on these issues and if we are talking about spaces, the problem, if anything, is to find one WITHOUT this debate.

The author started by giving us the idea of ​​a person who for sixteen months has only watched without speaking, honestly I don't understand exactly WHAT he looked at. If he did, he looked without seeing . In fact, it's my fault, she said she looked, she didn't see well. Go on.

Carmilla again?

This part is interesting. In a few inches of screen I can see that there is a criminal responsibility in the death of thousands of people in Bergamo (and I can agree on this) and then inform us mortals that in the end, dying is a normal thing . In short, it was raining in Bergamo and we should not be afraid of all those deaths, after all it is normal: it is not clear if we should be afraid of ending up like in Bergamo. But it's point One with a capital U. One of the two: either death is a horrible thing, and logically we should be afraid and horrified by it, or it is normal, so why should I care about the deaths of work?

Carmilla again?

The reasoning mixes things to fuck, including a Catholic message that condemns human hubris, and one that comes from Cuban fashion, that is, two little words against ugly capitalism that makes goods circulate. There is no evidence that the covid traveled on goods, but on bodies. But the lady seems to forget the fact that the lockdown didn't exactly leave the bodies free to travel. That the vaccine cannot defeat the pandemic is a proposition that has no logical justification: its effects are already visible and if anything the problem is that there is not enough of it and it is not vaccinated quickly enough. The vaccine could stop the pandemic, all vaccines are potentially capable of it and some have done so, to the point that smallpox as a living being is extinct.

Carmilla again?

It seems to me that this person knows the word hubris and is very proud of it. Okay, we all love to remember high school. Good times. When the word hubris impressed prof. And also Charlemagne, the Rocco Siffredi of the Middle Ages. Okay, let's move on.

When she does not brush the word hubris , the girl informs us that we are not at all out of the pandemic and that we are in it. I would very much like to know who is arguing otherwise, but it must be admitted that 16 months of silent observation must have led to something. Well now we know we're still in it. The problem with this statement is not that it is wrong or not; the problem is that we knew it even before, and proposing it as a brilliant product of 16 months of observation seems, let's face it, in a bit disappointing.

Carmilla again?

The first statement falls from the sky, "the green pass is an instrument of social control", in which we must believe because she says so. However, many think it is a large-scale prophylaxis tool. But she says no, and if she says so then you have to believe it.

I do not believe. Go on.

Maybe I haven't studied Greek enough to amaze the ladies of the salons I frequent with the word hubris , but I feel like answering with a very nice cazzutissmo, very Latin, very powerful "non sequitur". The lady, that is, is trying to infer that digitization "has as its objective the control of all daily actions" from the fact that a public health operation, the green pass, involves all of Europe and is therefore the largest work of digitization ever done [in Europe].

Non sequitur. There is no logical link between "the green pass is a greater digitization process" and "digitization is the complete control of all daily actions". How the green pass would control what I cooked today (daily action) just because it's digitization will remain a mystery. I don't know how the young lady spent 16 months, but she could have made better use of it.

After this non sequitur, the lady informs us that for very mysterious reasons the green pass is a border. No. A border and an electronic certification system for vaccinations are different things. There are no boundaries around the body because boundaries are around fixed objects (the territory) while the body is mobile, and many other things. Sure, I can say "the green pass is a border" as I can say "the rabbit chaser is a piston", but the mere fact that a sentence is formally correct does not imply that it is true, unless it is explain.

Divorce from reality is for the "sans papier" who cannot access this pass; apart from the fact that sans papiers often can't even access the vaccine , which makes it clear what this lady's priorities are, the logically correct answer to this question is "don't worry ma'am, sans-papiers can't not even get vaccinated in most cases, so the green pass problem doesn't even arise. " Sleep soundly. She is happy …

Carmilla again?

The green pass is not issued after a single dose, although I admit there has been some confusion, prompted by the fact that someone [a government led by a former central banker among many] tried to sell results that they had not achieved. I also notice a certain fetishism towards the obsolete word "nefarious". Is hubris bad? Posterity will judge.

Immediately afterwards, the lady shoots us another non sequitur: a state that has created a digitalization system and has created enormous infrastructures in a short time to vaccinate the population "it wants to de-responsibility"? And in what way, thankfully, would taking on the duty to protect the population by vaccinating them would be "taking responsibility away?", When it is clearly the opposite? And if he took responsibility for what happened, did they send the avengers?

Obviously you have to pay the ticket to the Popular Front of Judea, and therefore there is a mention of the economy, which seems to be the equivalent of "satan", according to the Catholic tradition that money is the devil's dung: and poof, the state wants to keep the economy going, so it's evil . But here's the worst, the state wants to keep the economy going without paying the refreshments : it is a pity that to pay the refreshments the state needs the economy to go ahead.

Carmilla again?

Here the lady mistook us for her secretaries. The data he asks for is widely available using a devilry called web, as long as you waste some time (but not sixteen months, an afternoon might be enough). Should I google for you, lady?

In the second part the lady seems to have medical data that no one else possesses, that is scientific data that speak of food, culture and psychological factors, as well as sport, which through the inhibition of the immune system would be relevant in the prevention of covid. , even as much as the vaccine. The rest of the science, on the other hand, believes that the cytokine storm is the problem that makes the covid deadly as an overreaction of the immune system. If the lady has different data, she can kindly give them to those mere mortals who try to study the virus with scientific methods, instead of looking like one of those gurus who kill cancer patients by prescribing a jog to the park and a plate of pasta with sauce. ?

Carmilla again?

Here are other questions that leave me perplexed about this lady's profession: there are no industrial bat or armadillo farms, as regards the second question there is an ongoing investigation into it conducted by the WHO and perhaps it would have ended if it were not for one question linked to the "famous Chinese transparency". I do not want to point out historical links between the communist management of information and the reference ideals of "Carmilla", but at least it will be necessary to recognize that efforts are being made to understand, and that someone is not cooperating. What have nuclear power plants and other unspecified "myriads of things" (which, exactly?) Have to do with it, only she knows, and if she has information unknown to terrestrial science she could land and give it to the WHO. It would be appreciated. 16 months in space, moreover, are also enough for a Bezos.

Carmilla again?

First of all, I wonder what species a person who has a brain UNDER the cerebral cortex belongs to. For us humans, the functions of critical thinking (and everything the lady mentions) happen right in the cerebral cortex, so I begin to suspect that the lady does not speak as if she came from another planet: she probably comes from a planet whose inhabitants have the cognitive functions UNDER the cerebral cortex. What's under the human cerebral cortex, on earth, is a cognitive function only if you're a lizard, after all.

This would explain the extravagant series of questions: on this planet there are so many epidemics that have stopped thanks to vaccines without understanding these phantom structural causes, so we expect it to work again. Maybe it's different on your planet so I understand your concern, but the lady needn't worry, to defeat the epidemics on our planet you just need to vaccinate enough people quickly enough. It is a known fact and it has worked well so far. Understanding of the structural causes of smallpox, say, came nearly forty years after its disappearance.

Carmilla again?

I can agree with the discomfort, as for the vaccine, for the human species it is one of the TWO solutions. The other is a cure. We do this on earth, lady: we either cure or vaccinate. Environmental prevention and prophylaxis are important, but they have never worked as well. Nevertheless, we do prophylaxis and prevention, FOR EXAMPLE WITH THE GREEN PASS. But we are, it seems to me, disputing.

And it is not easy to understand, madam, how it works on your planet, because after an article to slobber that we should understand the structural causes of the spread, and have understood that it depends on promiscuity (ex: people who go to the bar to spritz), now you tell her about a measure made to PREVENT people from going to the bar to get the spritz. Put simply, madam, you fall into despair knowing that people are rushing to the bar to take the spritz, and then object against the green pass, made just to defend us from them. Are you sure you're okay, or do we have to attribute it all to the fact that you have your brain UNDER your cerebral cortex?

Carmilla again?

But continue to use your brain, as long as you don't make it a doorstop. There is a VAST scientific record that a walk could hurt someone, but this happens when you are infected, and if you walk close to others. On our planet, in fact, there is a phenomenon called "contagion", and if the infection occurs through the airways, and you are walking in a crowded place, on our planet it can hurt someone. It wouldn't happen on other planets, and I don't know how it works on yours.

Similarly, due to the phenomenon of "contagion" (a word that is not as cool as "nefarious" or "hubris", but indicates a phenomenon that exists), it is possible to damage public health if you are infected with something contagious and frequent crowded places. And it's not just true for the coronavirus, mind you. Spreading tuberculosis in restaurants is not seen as an elegant act either, and some are prejudiced against those who enter crowded places when they are sick with whooping cough. I know, Earth is a strange place . He should visit her sometime.

Then suddenly (perhaps it is a nervous tic of those who have their brains under the cerebral cortex) the huffing of the massacres and the bosses starts, and it rains "neoliberal" and so on with "fascists". Like a fucking storm in Dublin.

This writing is a bit like the "live the pussy" of high school, which means nothing but you have to write it on the wall. And then we will do our duty, and we will draw a line.

Carmilla again?

I also like the final plea:

we learn to admit that we are afraid. Really. I thought that hundreds of millions of people had locked up in their homes as a hobby instead. Does fear really have something to do with it? Who would have thought that! In my opinion, people stayed indoors out of love for houseplants. An explosion of sexual fetishism towards ferns. Uhmmmm. Ferns. BIG ferns.

But who would have suspected that fear had something to do with the fact that we are shooting with masks? I thought it was stuff like skinny pants, or a polo shirt with a stand-up collar. Look at you what you learn by listening to the signals of the aliens. We were afraid of dying. Maddai. Incredible.

Ah, here, the lady ends with "love is stronger". Ok. Now you're looking for it, though.

Mazinger triumphs'.

Carmilla again?
All love and sofficini findus, the Mazing.

Learn, amateur….

PS: but do they really think they are "intellectuals"? One that mistakes the skull for the "cerebral cortex", as if we were all oaks? Okay, as Costanzo used to say: Music Maestro Bracardi!

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