May 5, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Covid and Chernobyl.

I was about 16 when, at a certain point, the civil protection decided that the vegetables in our home garden were probably contaminated and should be eradicated and buried. The Chernobyl plant had exploded. But a thriving Emilian minority, the followers of the PCI, refused to believe it, because the Kremlin was swearing and swearing that everything was fine in Chernobyl, and the radiation leak was Western propaganda to discredit socialism.

Everything went so well that in high school the physics teacher showed us the geiger: he put the "ice cream cone" out the window, then closed it again, and showed us that when the wind blew the instrument (which remained inside) croaked louder at every gust. It was the dust – containing cesium – that rose from the ground. Then they made us stay at home for a few days.

Of course, everything was fine with the Kremlin . And even when they admitted there was an explosion, the radiation data was ridiculous. Everything, that is, was propaganda. But not for everyone.

If you have the ability to check a historical archive,

And if you search well, you will find all the somersaults that the Unit did to minimize:

Little danger, it's like a trivial thyroid x-ray, etc. And the communists of the time, especially in Emilia and in the lowlands, boasted of having kept the vegetable garden, and some claimed that they even felt better after eating those vegetables.

And in any case, again according to Unita', on 21 May it was all over, according to anonymous "technicians", but due to alarmism we had thrown away too many vegetables and too much milk. And too many women asked to be able to have an abortion. (The article clarifies that these are requests for information to counseling clinics, and not real abortions). And then whatever, they happen in the USA too, come on.

Let's face it: the Unit was very good at seizing every opportunity to make a fool of itself.

Why do I make these examples?

I give these examples to make it clear that (after this experience) it didn't take a genius to understand that the Chinese were screwing the world:

  1. in 2019, they hid the virus from the world for three months.
  2. they indicted the first doctors who reported it in January 2020.
  3. they put Wuhan (barely 3% of the population) under quarantine, and they had "solved the problem".
  4. They said they had conceived a vaccine that, like Sputnik, doesn't work and never has.
  5. They claimed to have vaccinated the entire population with the vaccine (which doesn't work).
  6. they made the world believe that thanks to these harsh measures, the problem was practically solved.

Italian and Western journalists in general evidently weren't there in 1986. Because they would have realized they were listening to the same type of regime as in 1986, the exact same party, animated by the exact same ideology. (before you start screwing the fuck up: even in the USSR there had been the exact same opening to the market. Only that no western fool – except FIAT and a few others, often Germans, went there to invest).

But the fact remains that it was VERY unlikely that the epidemic had stopped, in a country where the population density in some areas is inhumane, with practically irrelevant measures.

Throughout 2022 we pretended that it was a coincidence that some things no longer arrived from China, hinting at the lockdowns at the factories, without ever talking about the devastating epidemic that was raging in the country. There was only talk of how harsh the government measures were: of the fact that they were vaccinating the population with a vaccine that has never passed Western tests, because it does not protect, nobody wrote about it.

In reality, the measures served more to quell political dissent than the virus, and all the tests in every European airport are showing the same thing: 30% to 50% of Chinese are infected, and since it takes days before the virus is visible to controls,

it is clear that the Chinese do not carry out any exit checks. That is, the Chinese government is VOLUNTARILY infecting the rest of the world.

It is well known that a communist party is in power in China. What communist parties are and how little they give a damn about human life, too.

Why did all journalism act like the ass kissers of Unita?

That is, I understand the Unit: it lived, until 1991, with the money of the CPSU. Like the rest of the party.

And so one would think that yes, in the end, if the PCI kissed the ass of the PCUS (I want to point out that in the period from 74 to 77 there was Berlinguer, who NEVER made any break with the PCUS), the Soviets and to their regime, he was also there.

That they denied the Chernobyl disaster, saying that the Soviets had solved it with the lunar module, was fine. They received millions of dollars from the CPSU. At least we see the instigator.

And then one would have to ask why, the entire western press is behaving towards CHINA, as the Unit did with the PCUS.

The question arises spontaneously, as was said in 1986: does it rain on journalists, or on politicians?

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