May 5, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


If political journalism was honest.

If political journalism were honest.

I imagine many Italians will be wondering why the government needs to be brought down in the midst of a pandemic. But no one will tell you why this is happening. And the problem is very simple: if and when the funds for the Recovery fund arrive (the projects have yet to be screened and approved), someone who knows how to carry out those works is needed. Otherwise the funding stops.

Because Recovery has some conditionalities: the works must be carried out, and well, otherwise the program is interrupted. And as if that weren't enough, the investment goals must be met. And they must be reached within a defined time frame.

Now, the problem is that if we talk about abstract things, ie powerpoint things, everything is fine. "Digitization" sounds good. But we know how things work. As soon as someone says (I don't know) to digitize tax payments more, say with a Digitax system, the No Digitax will arrive.

Green is nice, but if someone proposes a hydrogen railway that has to pierce a hill, let's say the CircumCollinare, the NO-CiCo will arrive and via appeals, protests, blocks, magistrates who seize to end up in the newspapers, and all that.

Then there will come those who "Mose cannot work because the project is wrong" (except to work when the project is finished), and all the usual circus of those who technicize themselves and come out with "cost-benefit relationships ", With" half-project feasibility "and other bullshit that seem to have been bought on Wish.

We have seen with the Genoa bridge: the NO-Gronda already existed which prevented alternative passages, and the reason why the NO-RenzoPiano did not exist is only that the Genoese would have lynched them due to the inconvenience due to the lack of bridge.

But we have also seen what the point is: in the end, to make this work, we need to skip the bureaucracy that stops everything. If the city is in an emergency (and the government too) it can be done, but out of the 209 billion there are too many who are waiting for the platter to dive into.

Then there is a precedent: Renzi. During his legislature, the Italian debt increased by about 250 billion euros. Have you seen them? I mean, those governments borrowed $ 250 billion. To do what? Have you seen works? Have you seen infrastructure investments? Which?

In short, there is a precedent of a Renzi who has shown himself incredibly capable of "secretly investing" liquidity for 250 billion, without ever giving an account: his government continued to boast the low deficit, but did not provide many explanations with regard to 250 billion of new debt (in short, someone has put 250 billion cash in the hands of the government), of which it is not clear what investments they correspond to. (after all, the debt at rate X is made only if you make an investment at a rate higher than X, otherwise it is throwing money away). And 250 billion in investments are noticeable.

It is not surprising that Renzi's dispute arises precisely from how the recovery fund is to be implemented: for a ruling class capable of "investing in secret", 250 billion without GDP soaring (that is, taking them abroad, because otherwise the GDP would have had to swell by at least that figure), having another 209 billion doesn't have to seem true. But they need to go through the right hands.

Let me be clear, I'm not saying they were “stolen”: they were “invested in secret”, that's all.

Hence, the whole five-star idea of ​​having a kind of team of technicians taken from the private world is not really good. But not only to Renzi, because we remember that at the time of the 250 billion "invested in secret" Renzi was in the PD, and we begin to suspect something.

The idea of ​​entrusting to a committee of private individuals was modern in 1980, before the privatizations which showed how little Italian captains of industry are worth: none of these have ever invested figures of that size, which in Italy are more typical of government. So it would have been better to have state managers, who over time have proven to work quite well on large investments: famous individuals are more than Benettons when they handle big things.

But this is where a PD-Renzi couple fits together, who would really like to get their hands on a couple of hundred billion.

What am I trying to say? I try to say that, in the end, however things work, the problem of the PD is to bring down the government without (apparently) blame.

In fact, if the government falls, the paperwork for the Recovery Fund goes on, but the government in interim administration cannot spend that money. So we talk about it after the elections. Where, according to stupid predictions (the PD is famous for causing disasters based on predictions that never came true) the 5Stelle would disappear, the League would be downsized, and anyone to make a government, especially a government that spends the Recovery Fund, should need of the PD.

According to the same phony forecasts, if the government continues it will be necessary to bring in someone more neutral, and we see the Italian financiers' newspaper caressing Draghi a lot.

Even in five stars they make similar accounts, for several reasons. The first is that they don't know how to implement the Recovery Fund in planning terms. But it gets worse: all possible projects meet one of the many NO-Something committees that fill the grill base. And if they don't do it today, they will do it tomorrow. The Grillini know very well that they only work as an opposition party, so in the end it is better for them to switch to the opposition: same salary, fewer exams to pass. And maybe to silence the no-something we run two cents.

So what's going on?

  • Renzi is playing sideways for the PD, bringing down the government before the Recovery money ends up in the hands of a "committee of experts" that prevents the money from "investing the secret".
  • the PD lets it go, and also makes us the figure of the great party of responsible statesmen. In the event of the fall of the government, he believes he can vote for a Draghi of the situation, or a less grilling re-edition of the Conte government: let us always remember that Renzi is a dead-end "ex", who will be happy to play on the bank.
  • M5S gets rid of the specter of the class assignment for which it has not studied, i.e. the implementation of recovery, in the best of situations it goes to the opposition of the dragons government and everyone continues to get salary, in the worst case where you vote he can choose to ally himself with the PD at the local level and propose another Giallorossi government to the population.
  • If, on the other hand, Conte resists and changes little, M5S is stripped of ministers and power by Renzi and PD. Even this not bad.

In this sense, the pandemic has nothing to do with it, it plays the role of excuses with which one pretends to argue. But the pandemic exists, so whatever government there is, nothing changes, while the Recovery Fund will somehow arrive, and therefore at most a new government could even take the money from the Mes for contingent expenses.

In short, at the end of the day the government falls because there is no agreement on how to "secretly invest" the money from the Recover Fund, Renzi is playing on the side of the PD, and the five stars are shitting themselves with having to answer for a plan that they cannot write, or go to elections.

The rest is fiction.

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