Is Giorgia Meloni a fascist?

An American newspaper of great ambition has raised the alarm about the fact that the relative majority party in Italy (according to the polls) would put Italy at risk of fascism, and therefore would make it a country at risk, and so on. So everyone in Italy is wondering whether or not Meloni is a "fascist".

To answer the question, however, I see people throwing themselves into unlikely comparisons, which would lead one to assume that Italy somehow has a mutilated victory to complain about, or that Silvio Berlusconi would be the new d'Annunzio.

In reality, making comparisons with a century ago is useless, the situation is too different. What needs to be defined first is "what a fascist is today", and at that point to see if Meloni is part of it, and to ask oneself if by chance someone else does.

It is therefore necessary to identify the abstract and general characteristics of fascism, which was already difficult at the time, and try to make them exclusive. What does it mean? It means that at the time Salazar was defined as a fascist, who was a traditionalist, but Hitler was by no means a traditionalist, and Mussolini had a period (the first, in which he enjoyed the investments made by previous governments) in which he sinned in modernism because he enjoyed of the results (not his). But in the second part of the twenty-year period these results were now over, and he became "conservative".

So you have to take it easy. Let's go in order.

The first question that will come to your mind is "but how do you know what Meloni will do"? Oh, I don't know: I've seen it.

Meloni is not a political virgin. She didn't arrive yesterday. He has been in politics for a long time and has been part of governments. And he spoke (and acted) exactly in the way I described, reacting in the way I described in the situations I described.

But the important thing is, these methods work with his sycophants. What does it mean?

It is not enough to be "a fascist" to be a fascist dictator. So in general it is not enough to call yourself fascists to be fascists, or partisans to be partisans: you will only get the party version of a Star Trek convention, with fascists and communists becoming Klingons and Vulcans. But it's a disguise.

It is necessary that the fascist dialectic and the related way of thinking find consensus. Because in politics the power only tells you how much salary you will earn and what title you will have in front of the name: it is instead the consensus you have to design what you will do.

If you have consensus among a pile of evildoers, whatever you do will be ruined by a huge number of scandals, say, regardless of whether it's good or bad. And Meloni's problem is to have consensus among people who will NEVER be able to do something in a complete, functional and competent way. The fascist is incompetent by definition: the prime example is Hitler who has only maritime powers as enemies, and launches a state program of highways, rather than ports. Or Mussolini who has an agricultural problem and instead of mechanizing or resorting to chemistry decides to bring more hands to the fields. Incompetence.

But not only Mussolini: the official who sent 'to inspect agriculture exchanged' the rice fields for marshes in almost all of Piedmont, and recommended 'reclamation: let it be clear, Mussolini did not do everything himself, he could not: the incompetent were his subordinates. But there was nothing he could do about it, because his consent came from there. The good ones didn't work for him.

And if you remember, it also happened to Grillo: however decent your ideas may be, for example on Citizenship Income, if you have it implemented by the phony politicians who gave you their consent, you do nothing else. It's not like school, where you can copy from counter neighbors.

Ultimately, Meloni (who in good company, even on the left) is phylogenetically fascist, but in the sense that she has all the cultural and mental processes of the fascist, and as if that were not enough, her consent has its roots in areas of absolute professional mediocrity. and academic. Consequently, even if she had the best ideas in the world, she would not be able to realize them because her consent does not bring her the specialists she would need.

Let's face it: without Crosetto, who sends FdI to talk to the ECB? (admitted and not granted that Crosetto lends himself: the decorum and the seriousness of taking a step back is one of the excuses that the fascist uses to leave the field when the blows are whistled).

The fascism you have in mind (and which perhaps, it is true, its sycophants and its followers have in mind) is historical fascism. But historical fascism is not feasible: if you want to live in Pula or Rijeka today, all you have to do is go there and buy a house, we are in 2022 and Croatia has just signed up for access to the euro from 2023. You don't even have to. change money. You don't need d'Annunzio, to live in Rijeka just go there and buy a house. And if you turn in a black shirt they call you "gothic".

If the question is "but Meloni is a historical fascist", the answer is "no", as one cannot be in favor of Charlemagne. If the question is "but Meloni is a fascist in the phylogenetic sense", the answer is "YES", but so many wallow in the same pot that in the end no one is interested in really gutting the subject, or " what exactly makes you a fascist ”.