April 29, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Orsini is a fool (but gone bad)

Orsini is a cold fool (but gone bad)

Chatting on social media I came across the figure of this Orsini, apparently an academic (and here I stop because we have gone from virologists to esterologists) and since many talk about it, I went to look around for the things he says.

He is a cold fool. Scemifreddo is a portmanteau of "War fool" and "Cold War", which I created to indicate those who speak as a 1989 Unita editorial.

For those who were not there or did not remember (a much more widespread category) L'Unita was a newspaper that had two objectives:

  • agree with Яussia. (or rather, what they believed to be Russia)
  • give the reader a tool to pretend they know things.

On the second point we need to dwell, because it was the reason why the newspaper was bought. Suppose there was a dispute between the US and Nicaragua. First of all, hardly anyone knew (except the metalheads who knew him for surfing) what the fuck Nicaragua was.

But talking about Nicaragua was already out of fashion, in the sense that there had been sandalists who went to the commune to gain international experience since the 1970s. It was necessary to put a truly cultured reference. So let's take it: Charlemagne.

So, if there was a dispute between the USA and Nicaragua, a punctual "editorial" (the homily that the priest gives in the masses, in short) of the Unit explained that to solve the problem of the dispute between the USA and Nicaragua it was how to choose between Charlemagne and Irene of Athens.

Now, you know Charlemagne, Irene of Athens probably no one knew who the fuck she was, the average Nicaragua knew it wasn't in Sardinia and the USA, okay, was the USA.

Then, the Unit would have written an editorial like this:

USA or Nicaragua? The choice between Charlemagne and Irene of Athens is back.

This idiocy of mixing everything with everything gave the reader some advantages:

  • citing Charlemagne proves that you were in school anyway.
  • to put in it Irene of Athens suggests that, in the evening, you will put yourself in your armchair, an abat-jour behind your back, to read ancient history texts. In Greek.
  • Nicaragua tells us that you, in short, take care of the world and go on vacation to Sardinia.
  • Li USA, ok, they are the dialectical opposite of Яussia, so to say the US is wrong is like to give reason to Яussia

done this, here is the identity of the Bertinottoide built on you:

Orsini is a cold fool (but gone bad)
You can interchange them, they are identical.

In reality, the reader of the Unit was an ignorant goat who had never left the village where he grew up, except to roast his buttocks in another place, from which he would return as ignorant as before. But it does not matter.

Because Bertinottoide does not go only on Sardinian beaches. He comes back to tell us about the ancient (communist) civilization of the Nuraghi. Which he doesn't know shit about, but which he's sure you know even less about.

Listening to Orsini speaking from Berlinguer is like taking a step back in time. But jumping back in time doesn't work when you have a snack that has expired for thirty years. Because this is the problem.

Orsini is an expired character. But not expired in the sense that it has disappointed someone or that it has dropped to a very low level. Expired in the sense that it has gone bad because it is consumed well beyond the time it was supposed to be consumed.

Much of what he says is nonsense. It is useless and it does not help to understand. But the purpose of the Unity editorials was not to help understand. The aim was to allow the reader to amaze the ladies of the Arci Spim with cultured quotations and bizarre ideas.

The cult of the odd idea is more or less the center of the dialectic of the editorial unit.

The idea is that if I enter a discussion with a weird idea expressed in polished language, and I shoot two aphorisms at us, then I will seem the cultured intellectual who sees things from a different and enlightened perspective, certainly intelligent.

And so, Orsini does nothing but oppose common sense by throwing up bizarre ideas into the discussion. This technique, being typical of the Unity, received the approval of Bianca Berlinguer, Cacciari and other members of the Popular Front of Judea.

Then Orsini arrives, and tells you that if Italy gives its willingness to recognize Dombass, then everything changes. Because'? Because Orsini says so, who as the only affirmation in support of him cites the fact that (according to Orsini) Zelensky is incompetent. Okay, but who says Zelensky is incompetent? Orsini. Does this imply that a politician must be competent? Apparently, that's not the norm. Therefore? So Italy needs to be willing to recognize Dombass because according to Orsini it would solve the problem, as Zelensky is incompetent.

Is it a non sequitur? No, because now Bianca Berlinguer comes to her rescue, who throws into the discussion another non sequitur, according to which the flaw in Orsini's reasoning is not that of shooting at fucking things and giving licenses of incompetence without having one of them. competence, but to want to go against the popular will of the Ukrainians.

And let it be clear, that if Bianca Berlinguer had not been rescued, and someone had asked Orsini "about competence, have you ever repelled Russian invasions?", It would have ended there.

But the UN editorial doctrine is to cover up nonsense by throwing even more nonsense into the speech, so that in the end the confused viewer will say "I don't understand anything, but maybe I'm not smart enough."

Here, I can reassure you: if you watch a broadcast with Orsini and Berlinguer and you don't understand a shit about it because of the abundant nonsense and non sequiturs, don't worry: you are witnessing an orgy of dickheads.

Luckily it ended up on Youtube, so I can show evidence of what I say:

In one video, all the nonsense.

"It is a frontal confrontation between Putin and Europe". Someone explain to him that Charlemagne has nothing to do with it, and Ukraine is not in the European Union?

So Orsini's idea is:

  • Italy breaks with the European Union. Because'? Boh. But Orsini says so. What do you get? Well, you get it broke. How does it solve the problem? Boh. But it's nice to say, and it's a lot of Unity.
  • We know that there are "technically" stupid ideas. I would like to understand which technique Orsini refers to, since he comes from the world of the humanities. Holistically an idiot, I would say.
  • Italy must break with the EU by making a declaration in everyone's name, where it is said that everyone has made a mistake, and since it would not be fucked up, no one must be willing to recognize Dombass and Krimea. Not even Putin wants it, since he wants it to be part of Russia. BUT not in Orsini's world.
  • Obviously, the fact that Ukrainian civilians in Dombass and Krimea would end up like in Bucha does not even cross the mind of Orsini, who is too busy throwing Poland and Charlemagne in too. And Irene of Athens.

Now, the problem is the handler gives him rope. While it seems that the handler considers him stupid and goes against him, along with the other guests, the problem is that the handler does not stop him: for him Orsini is a cash cow (and in terms of IQ he is probably right), and the fact that he uses the typical techniques of the editorial unit of the Unit does not touch him, on the contrary: the market of the unit editorials is lacking because Unita has closed, so he knows well that given the average age of listener, Orsini is occupying a segment of the market.

But if we look in detail, it says nothing sensible: even if someone were to recognize the faults of the West, it would not be the EU, in the sense that the European Union is not "the head of the West". And not even a representative who can speak for everyone. As if that were not enough, a collective "mea culpa" cannot be done after taking a breaking position, because by simply breaking up you have isolated yourself.

Moreover, when it is objected to Orsini that Zelensky is still quite rational in having prejudices towards those who attacked him, Orsini does what the Unit did. It brings up Johnson and Brexit. Because the more ingredients you throw in the soup, the more people buy the Unit: Irene from Athens is still missing, but I am convinced that she will get there.

Even leaving aside the fact that a professorship in "Sociology of International Terrorism" knows a lot about the competition done to make candidate X win, the problem is: what is the use of a discussion that jumps from stake to branch to support some "actions" that don't make sense?

The fact that in the ideology of Unity, the BislaccaⓇ Idea makes you seem more intelligent because you are "out of the chorus", if you throw at it an avalanche of other names, from Lexington Steele to Irene of Athens, following that imaginary and ideal line that leads to Sora Lella in a bison loincloth.

My fear does not lie in the fact that in Italy (as in the whole West) there is a large audience that grew up in the 80s and 90s, but unable to get out of it. The real problem is that for those who weren't there, this shit fried twice is new, or at least current.

We have already seen what happens when the bimbominkia allies himself with the old jerk: the five-star movement arrives.

The problem comes today, that the "zeta generation" is being raised in such a way as to allow for a useless future alliance with the academic. Because we're talking here about unicorn hunting people who are led to believe that in order to catch a unicorn you have to get a fishing net on the high speed tracks.

Which works in Darwinist terms, but it doesn't make the future seem like a place I want to be.

Why don't we talk about an orgy of idiots here. We are talking about an orgy of idiots where everything misses the point and in the end all the sex is taken by a Fiat 127.

Orsini is a cold fool (but gone bad)
Gangbang! Gangbang! Gangbaaaaaaaang !!!! Yes! Yes! Cum on me!

In the end, the mystery hovers over all this: but how did Orsini get on that stage?

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