May 9, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Reversal of morality.

Reversal of morality.

When a mass psychosis arrives, I think I have already written it, one of the first symptoms is the collapse of public morality and the inversion of the scale of values.

In the case of the mass psychosis that concerns Russia at the moment, the inversion of morals is evident if one observes the way in which those who trade peacefully with Russia are judged, in comparison with those who send soldiers ready to go to war.

There was a meeting between Putin and the Italian industrialists. Due to already existing policies, Italy exports to Russia mainly Fashion, Agri-food and Biomedical. There is no mention of weapons, which Russia would certainly not buy from Italy even if it were allowed to sell them, as Russia itself is a major exporter.

On the contrary, Biden decides to send soldiers, sell weapons of war to the Ukrainians, and everything that the countries that have an interest in seeing a war in continental Europe do.

The same happens to the German government, which is reproached for wanting to buy gas, and accused because it does NOT want to sell weapons (which would bring war closer).

Now, let's reflect on the moral value of the two.

Normally, when there are no mass psychosis in place, trading peaceful if not salvific items (biomedical is used to save lives) is considered positive. Trade and exchanges bring countries together, avoid wars, where no goods pass, armies pass, and so on.

On the other hand, in the absence of mass psychosis, preparing a war by arming an escalation in progress and selling weapons is considered to be disregarded.

We are therefore in an INVERTED moral universe: if you sell medicines you are the bad guys, if you sell weapons you are the good guys. If you trade you are the bad guys, if you fight you are the good guys. The moral inversion is complete.

But how does this inversion work? The problem is that this is not a reversal, but a regression. Let's try to schematize. The individual passes through three moral universes during his development.

  1. Addiction. In this infant stage , the child is dependent on adults for sustenance, protection and development. Because it depends, he develops all the necessary techniques to get what he needs. A child is "competent" when he develops techniques (crying, stomping his feet, not eating, breaking objects, hitting other children) to get from adults what he wants.
  2. Independence. The teenager is obsessed with independence. He wants to stop depending, he doesn't want to depend on anyone anymore , the message he sends is that he could do it himself. He asks nothing of adults except to get out of his life. He is competent when he develops the techniques that allow him to do this: study and find a job, or just find a job, steal, cheat on grades, etc., anything that reduces his dependence on others: for him to ask for something is humiliating, and negotiating is already a defeat.
  3. Interdependence. The adult has realized that he cannot be completely independent with others, and is equipping himself for the exchange. YOU give me the house if I pay the rent, you pay me if I work, and so on. A competent adult is an adult capable of negotiating an exchange that is win-win for both parties. Negotiating in this moral universe is not a defeat, it is the norm.

If we look at the parties involved such as USA, EU, Russia, we can see that:

  1. Putin acts like a child. He threatens Ukraine to get what he wants from adults. He tells lies (all children do) to get what he wants, and so on. He wants the status of a power, for NATO to move away, and so on. He does not trade anything and does not try to make it anyway: for this reason, even if he succeeded, Russia would still remain relegated to the role of "child of the nations", and this means that you will only listen to them when they have a tantrum.
  2. The US behaves like a teenager. They want, without giving anything in return. They did not cause a crisis to achieve something, but the current culture is to say that the US is powerful and does not need anything (isolationism is adolescent), NATO does not give up the right to stay on your border because you do not you can do anything and the USA does not depend on your gas. Pure adolescence.
  3. The European states are trying to trade, that is, to negotiate. And they are the only ones who behave like adults. It is absolutely adult of the Italian side to discuss trade with Putin, even if Bambino Russia does it to divide the adults and be able to step on his toes even harder. But the fact remains that exchanges are an adult attitude, and the one most irritated by adult behavior is always the adolescent, that is the USA.

In this situation, that is, we notice at least TWO regressions. The first comes from the fact that Russian politics has regressed to an infantile level. Violent, destructive, noisy, they do nasty things until someone gives them what they want. Classic child behavior.

The second regression is of US politics, which is adolescent: it does not tolerate any negotiation because it wants to sanction its independence, which is strength, it considers exchange as a humiliation because to exchange a certain degree of independence must be admitted. , would like to obtain and sanction this independence even at the cost of using force. The classic teenager.

This REGRESSION of adults to previous states of maturity is what is needed to completely overturn morality. If you put a child and a teenager in the same room, it immediately comes to a fight for the same reason: as soon as the child starts blackmailing him to get what he wants, the teenager feels blackmailed, not independent, and considers giving. to the child also part of what is required as a defeat.

Then the child becomes even more annoying, but since the adolescent will never treat (because the negotiation requires to recognize a certain interdependence), or go away (to remain alone, i.e. independent), or use violence .

Adults negotiate, teenagers clap their hands, children make damage and noise.

The problem with these roles is "how difficult it is to get out of them". Once Russia becomes, as it has become, the country-Child, one wonders what it will do next time it needs something. Always telling lies (propaganda) or violent and destructive attitudes (attacking neighboring countries?).

Once renounced the role of adult, Russia will NEVER be considered a power: it will only be considered as those children who are given what they want because their breasts cause too much trouble, tantrums and damage. But it only works because the baby hasn't asked for too much yet. And one of the children's skills is knowing where to stop. They test adults all the time.

But the US teenage position is also dangerous. It is the second time that Biden comes to a negotiation with Putin saying "I am not offering anything", that is, empty-handed, and that obviously does not change anything because Putin comes from Russia-Child, who instead wants something at all costs .

In this situation, inviting the US to a negotiation is useless: as all teenagers will say "I don't depend on you, screw you!" , and nothing's gonna get done but some teenage fistfight.

The inversion of morality is precisely the adoption of a moral universe typical of adolescents: "negotiating is bad, exchanging is a surrender, we must be independent and send everyone to fuck off and not negotiate anything anymore, and indeed get to the hands if you need to".

The problem is that "getting to the hands", said as it should be said, in this period is the last thing we want.

Unless you're a teenager.

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