May 2, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


School: when hatred grows in the union.

The DAD story is beginning to take on the pathetic tones (after being ridiculous all along), and the truth is starting to emerge: it's not just the fascist scum that's immersed in the culture of humiliation and the herd. , but even the school unions do not joke.

Let's recap the previous episodes. During the lockdown, three things were clearly seen:

  • the teachers have no computer skills, and used the tools suggested by the pupils
  • when asked to choose, the schools used corporate tools that should NOT allow access to minors under the age of 13, however, they do not respect the rules of the GDPR when it comes to children's data.
  • the quality of teaching collapsed because the teaching method is centered on the distrust AGAINST the student.

The school unions were unhappy, because:

  • it was possible to record the lessons and record them, showing (the network is full of videos about it, which I will not link because they show minors uncovered) the catastrophic incompetence of the professors in the subjects they teach (and which often, it seems, they do not know).
  • the computer systems can record the actual presence times of the teacher, which are much lower than those written on the school registers. They can also record “not too orthodox” behavior of teachers in the classroom, such as political propaganda and the spread of fake news.
  • the janitors became clearly and outright USELESS. And on the janitors, who are clearly and blatantly useless, there should be a separate discussion on the abyss of recommendations.

Good. As the unions didn't like this, they gave a voice to the trumpets.

For months and months, through their pimps in the newspapers, they have bombed Italy with students who join the banquet outside the school (highly acclaimed!), Of professors "who have tears in their eyes thinking of the boys who socialize at school ”, of“ appeals not to destroy their future ”, of“ alarms for the time lost by adolescents ”, and so on.

Good. It sounded great. But very well issimo issimo.

So, at some point Draghi arrives. Which says: but you have very reason, for all the hosts as long as they are not yet consecrated! Boys are the future, wow! They wasted a lot of time, perdindirindina! They haven't socialized, body of a thousand whales! (*) It is a drama, an emergency, an epoch-making & generational problem, sacripant of the Ardennes!

And so he decides that we need to calculate the lost time and then extend the school year. Everything good? Um… no.

Because NO ONE has to tell a school union that we need to work harder now . And here, suddenly, it happens that:

  • the DAD was fine, and if a teacher has no computer skills the school union will provide dissolve it in acid offer refresher courses.
  • the privacy of the students doesn't matter a shit and in any case it counts less than the holidays of the teachers, so let's go on like this, and if someone has something to say we hang them on Lama's grave.
  • chisenefotte if the student uses google during the lesson, the important thing is that I can take my vacation. Crack, that ignorant bastard.

And obviously, the chorus of condescending newspapers has stopped. No professor sheds tears for the kids who socialize. They ran out of tears. Indeed, these bastards make fights and robberies. Even at school with your children, do you want them? And their future is no longer in danger, on the contrary "they are starting to use the same tools as their fathers, and in the future they will be the same as them". They are not wasting time with the DAD, which is indeed the very future (just leave us the holidays in June) and listen, listen: remember Anita and those girls who were chained to the banquet outside the school,



Here is the link

And indeed, we discover that the DAD works very well, at most it's the students' fault:

his fault

Courier Link

This is essentially due to the power of the school unions. To understand this, they occupy (free) three entire floors of a Roman seat of the ministry of education, without paying a penny, and their representatives have repeatedly (physically) imposed their presence at meetings of any level.

And from this also comes the political power they have, given that in all the Italian school employs about one million and two hundred thousand teachers. A nice bundle of votes.

But now, thanks to the competent Draghi, we know how to change their minds: just a good threat "shut up or I'll let you work harder".

And the DAD, the DAD goes down.

A separate reflection should be made on how similar are the group tactics of the unions and those of the so-called "populists". They might suggest that the union is nothing more than a form of leftist populism.

(*) Evidently being a wooden ® male pussy , Draghi never swears worse than that. Stronger curses could mess it up.

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