May 5, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


The next US-Mexico war

When I write about a drugged print that has you living in an imaginary universe, it usually feels like I'm exaggerating. The trouble is that meanwhile, in the outside world, things are happening that you know practically nothing about, and that you will only learn about when they happen. Don't believe it?

We see.

Did you know that American Republicans want to declare war on Mexico? No?

I know. It was an April thing. Is it an American newspaper? No, European newspapers like Politico say so too.

Then you will say: “but they are newspapers on the internet, REAL newspapers maybe”…

And then you'll say: what stuff did he invent today? It's not from today. He's been talking about it for now.

Think it was old stuff? No, they're still talking about it, we're talking about the end of August, a few days ago.

So tell me. There will be a war (because if you send your army to another country and the other country doesn't want to, it's war) with Mexico, under the guise of drug cartels.

Did you know? Had the Italian press informed you?

Do other countries know about it?

well, Deutsche Welle covered it:

And also in France:

The only ones were, it must be said, those of Fanpage, but they seem to report it as a unique incident, when practically all Republican senators seem to agree and even discuss it today.

Are you sure, really sure, that the Italian press is showing you the reality of the world?

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