May 6, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


This blog, the habitus and the Truman Show.

Many will have realized that my blog has lost some of the tone it once had. Some say it is the Age, others that I would have sold myself to Europe (of course, Germany) and so on. But if you look closely, you will find that the change began with the release of "The Truman Show".

The problem with that film is very simple: it cannot end as it ends. And there is a reason for that.

Let's suppose for a moment that we live in a society that thrives on anxiety, or rather of a continuous injection of adrenaline, of a sense of danger. Let us suppose that it is the news, television, which constitute an anxious element for the population.

If this is true, we are in a kind of truman show, where despite the best living conditions in history, despite the fact that cars do not start even without a seat belt fastened, despite the fact that the shampoo says "no you have to drink it ”, everyone feels in danger.

This is a similar situation to the Truman Show, but… why? On the Truman Show, the protagonist didn't feel in any danger by staying on the show, but he felt he was in danger of leaving him.

To understand the analogy, it is necessary to understand the concept of "habitus", the set of paths established by our education, which in reality constitute real tracks on which our life flows.

In the film Truman show, the actor was kept in check by tying him or embedding him in his "Habitus". Only when he begins to suspect something then the traumas prevent him from doing something: before, they just prevented him from thinking about it , from going away.

The problem with the Truman show is that, in reality, the show would become boring for several reasons: the audience gets addicted. It asks for more and more news and more and more emotions, while the whole life of the protagonist was rather boring to say it. If they really did, Truman would give himself to a life more and more exciting, that is, dangerous, or exciting or sexual, experimenting always different excesses, until the show would become boring for the audience and would lose audience.

But in the film, Habitus is constant. And that's what makes it impossible to build such a thing.

Let's go to the analogy.

Suppose we are all living in a Truman Show situation. To reduce an entire population to be Truman, and to always turn, prisoners of the induced habitus, it would be necessary for this habitus to become more and more extreme.

Years ago, when I realized that the mass media were just shows, in a post I asked the press one thing: but what will you invent next?

Well, after that, a pandemic came. And when, after the pandemic was over, I wondered what they would come up with now, the answer was a war with a grain famine with rising prices and the fear of misery and hunger.

And now that the war in Ukraine is metabolized, what will they invent? Well, you just got the answer: war with China. And if someone is missing something, this year's summer is renamed as “Apocalypse”, let's say as an invitation to keep calm and not panic. And in case you ever wondered, we are heading towards total inexorable environmental catastrophe, and the extinction of mankind due to CO2.

All this fear obviously does nothing but keep people's heads down, who now accept otherwise unacceptable living conditions.

Don't move. Do not make noise. Don't fret. Continue as usual. Otherwise the fascists will win. And the fascists bring down Europe. And if Europe falls you are finished. It all collapses! It all collapses! Don't move. Don't change anything. Do not make controversy. don't argue. We have water in our throats. If you act like a dick, everything collapses! It all collapses! It all collapses! Don't move! Don't protest! Don't criticize!

This is your habitus. To try at all costs to perpetuate things as they are.

I am sure they think they will continue indefinitely.

  • pandemic.
  • Nice shot, and now what are you going to do?
  • War.
  • That's all?
  • War with crest of wheat.
  • So? Did we make a move?
  • War with wheat famine and inflation!
  • Okay, come on, but this is amateurism.
  • And now comes Revelation 4800 too!
  • What is it, a vacuum cleaner?
  • So I'll make you the US-CHINA war!
  • … Some viagra? Come on, maybe it helps you. And it costs less than an SUV
  • I made you more vital.
  • interesting idea, but at the most it keeps you glued to the video for half an hour. Can't you do better?
  • I can always do better, I have the best creatives in the world !!!!! PIZZA WITH RAW EEL! PIPPO BAUDO FULL MONTHY! ASTEROID THAT DESTROYS THE PLANET! FASCISM COULD ARRIVE!
  • aha. Sorry, sorry if I read Hegel, while you reach the Disney boredom level? He was a jerk, but at least he knew how to write.

the problem with this whole show, I mean, is not that the adrenaline is addictive or addictive. The problem is that it has a SATURATION level.

This analogue of the truman show, in which the richest population in the world fears of dying of hunger, the safest population in the world fears for their safety, the freest population in the world fears for their freedoms, cannot 'make the adrenaline rise forever. And we have probably come very close to the point of addiction.

The gigantic show, conceived to instill anxiety in the population so that they do not dare to touch, criticize or rethink the economic, political and social mechanisms, is becoming more and more insufficient. It is approaching saturation.

The press show is now touching "the esticazzi level": that level at which the world is ending we are on the verge of extinction, of the nuclear war of famine, of lack of bread, of Apocalypse 4800, of Lambretta 5100, and in the end, people go to the sea as if nothing had happened.

The Truman show, I repeat, would end out of boredom.

I am curious now to see what else will come after "world on the verge of destruction in US-CHINA nuclear war", and "ecological apocalypse".

Let me be clear, I am not making a speech against "the system". The system never collapses, by definition: it evolves.

What can't survive is the adrenaline-fueled storytelling. Because in addition to the fact that more and more of it is needed, there is the fact that beyond a certain limit there is saturation.

Let's take these Italian elections. Or the last German ones. Adrenaline and the fear of bringing everything down (oh, how fragile this system is!) Was used. 'they were familiar. They gave the smallest possible shock to the system by electing, after Merkel, the number two of the Merkel government.

Likewise, you wanted to change everything. You have had the government of a professor in Florence that defining a nullity seems an offense to the quantum fluctuation of the vacuum. A being so insignificant and lifeless that he asks his wife to give him a funeral pomp. A zero so absolute that his speeches are a Böse-Einstein condensate.

But the pandemic has arrived, unpredictable for science but providential for narration. And then, when not even that was holding the narrative still, Draghi. And the Pnrr. And when everything was about to get boring poof! Ukraina! The hero zelensky, who designed him at Disney put him in the tight-fitting onesie, but don't despair. And the bad Putin. And when Draghi trusted you, and the sense of anxiety and adrenaline from danger seemed to diminish: the government collapses! Anxiety! Danger! If the fascists win, everything collapses! Collapse Europeaaaahhh! Collapse the worldoooooh! Collapse alltooooooooooh!

Now after Draghi you will go to vote. Since the electoral system and the new parliament are too tight, you will find yourself with the pre-vote alliances jumping up the day after the vote. The result will be yet another "centrist" government, "not elected by the people", and various sarcazzi.

Why'? Because ultimately, the tremendous fear of making "everything collapse!" , corresponds a reality that has been immobile for decades now.

Dear gentlemen of the press and mass media, after asking you "and after this what will you invent?" , I don't want to repeat myself. I know you will still invent something. The question is whether this thing will work.

The “esticazzi” effect is increasingly visible. You don't have an addiction problem, but a saturation problem.

We don't live in a truman show. We live in a rather beautiful world, at least we Westerners. The safest ever, the richest ever, the most democratic ever, the fairest ever. You could have even more, but that would require some sacrifices from the rich.

And the rich don't want to make sacrifices.

And so, remember: you are in danger. It could all collapse. Don't move. Don't say a word. Accept everything.

And if someone in Lufthansa goes on strike for a higher salary, with good reason to compensate for inflation, remember: if we go to touch the salaries, everything collapses. Everything collapses. Everything collapses. Don't be like them. Collapses everythingooooh! You are in danger. You are on the edge of the precipice.

Except weird details that don't add up, like a world on the brink of ugly nuclear destruction that has a top priority to close the Banana Eating Contest, a priority no one has, when there is a REAL problem.

Meantime, the rich ……

Meantime, the rich ...

The reason I lost my tone is that you've gotten boring now. You have become the Disney of bad luck. You are the Marvel of the emergency.

You are BOREDOM.

And you know that when boredom comes, the show closes.

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