May 5, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Bullshit gathering, epilogue.

Bullshit gathering, epilogue.

When I wrote "bullshit gathering" ( ), I had no doubts that it would end as it ended. Not because I'm a prophet, or because I have any particular updates. The problem is that this generation of feminists are profiteers, liars and opportunists.

It is time to say it as it is: the women of the previous generation of feminists got what they wanted. And they don't have time to play with this generation, for one simple reason. They have to work.

After all, even #metoo has always left me perplexed: looking at it, one would have said that only the rich and famous molested women. But if we go to prisons we see a very different sight.

The identikit of the male target of the #metoo is very different from the identikit that emerges if we enter a prison and look at those in prison for rape, harassment or domestic violence: the identikit of the #metoo is richer, more white, more powerful.

And when the narrative doesn't square with reality, you already know it's a fake. You already know that you shouldn't be surprised if the #metoo movement hit six men in all. Six.

It is a general discourse, which goes both ways. If I look at the identikit of the rapist / aggressor / abusive that feminists do, I find a white male, wealthy and socially recognized, at least locally.

But if I go to prisons and do the same identikit, I get something different.

Now, even assuming that the socially recognized wealthy white does not go to jail (which is not true: well-known and well-known white males are well represented, only in other crimes), the problem is that those who are actually in prison for those crimes, that identikit that still EXISTS, is NEVER mentioned as a target.

The problem of the #metoo & surroundings is not just the fact that their identikit does not correspond to the truth. The problem is that the true identikit NEVER appears among their complaints.

Let's say it clearly: if we take the Italian prison population, let's say to the item that concerns rape and harassment, how many Alpine or former Alpine troops do we find? Considering that there are several, hundreds of thousands, doing the proportions I will find two or three.

But the rest is not made up of Alpine troops.

Under these conditions, it is unthinkable that a gathering of Alpine troops coincides with a wave of harassment. The identikit of the rapist, or the molester, of feminists does NOT correspond to what we see in prisons.

And one question remains: how come the truly guilty population isn't at the top of these women's concerns?

To understand that it would come here:

Alpini, harassment at the Rimini meeting: the prosecutor asks for archiving. "No evidence found"
The announcement of the chief prosecutor Elisabetta Melotti: a single formal complaint, impossible to identify the authors
Bullshit gathering, epilogue.

the reasoning I did was not necessary. The problem already exists upstream, that is, it exists when there is a HUGE distance between your narrative and the reality that I can measure.

And when you say that a fiction is "distant from measurable reality", you are using an euphemism to say that it is a fake. Which is a lie.

I could continue with all the paraphernalia of these sciacquettes, following the same method:

  • "Society is made to measure for men" does not square with the fact that 70% of suicides are male. ( )
  • "Men are treated with respect to work" does not square with the fact that in Italy 90% of the deaths at work are men. ( Osservatorio /allegati/Statistiche-morti-lavoro-Osservatorio-sicurezza-lavoro-Vega-Engineering-31-12-19.pdf)
  • "Justice privileges men" does not square with the fact that for the same offense, on average women get 20% lighter punishments. ([Jeffries, Samantha & Bond, Christine (2010) Sex and sentencing disparity in South Australia's higher courts. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 22 (1), pp. 81-97.]).
  • ….

I could continue to show the "distance" between fiction and reality, and I would go so far as to say that feminist fiction is very distant from reality. Euphemism for saying it's a bunch of bullshit.

Consequently, even if my past assessments made sense in purely technological terms, the real problem with this whole movement is its distance from reality.

The story of that Alpine gathering HAD to be far from reality, due to the small number of Alpine soldiers detained for sexual harassment or assault: what happened is that the narrative collided with reality.

And since the judges have found little reality, they're filing.

But these people don't seem to be understanding the lesson: all they have decided to do is, since real courts need reality, to move the process to the internet.

  • we have the footage where you see that
  • we have witnesses on the internet who say that.
  • on the internet it says that.

but none of this is relevant to reality, since you can find everything on the internet. If you "have the video" but cannot produce it as proof, it is because you cannot prove (by law) that the video was made that day, in that context and in that place. It could be a film made with actors, in very different places and contexts.

The beauty of moving the process to the internet, however, is that everyone can always respond. And in this context, the truth comes out. Slowly, but sooner or later it comes to the surface.

And the hope that the Internet will remain the site of absque strepitu advocatorum trials is also in vain. He got on well with the Depp case: the internet lynches, but not always the person you want.

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