May 6, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English




From time to time, more often than rarely, terrible arrows appear in the Corriere against the bureaucracy, accused by the finance newspaper of "blocking everything": but their solution, coincidentally, is always to "eliminate" it and not to "make it faster". And there is a reason for that.

Let's understand one thing first: even if 1000 permits were needed to open a shop, the problem would be non-existent if the 1000 permits arrived within an hour. Therefore, the problem is not “that the bureaucracy exists”, but the problem is its speed (or slowness). But when you read the Corriere, strangely they prefer to have fewer fulfilments than to have them faster.

And there is a reason. To understand it we must understand what what is called "bureaucracy" IS. Take for example the dead at work. What is bureaucracy? Bureaucracy is that set of rules that force you to have a certain space between the machinery, which force you to keep the machinery in order with the safety systems active.

What if you don't?

Well, every now and then a Luana will crack you.

Bureaucracy is the thing that forces a cable car to make periodic checks to keep it open, and it is that thing that defines how many and what checks need to be made. Whoever eliminates the bureaucracy to "do first", to "restart", to "not stop", could get away with it, but could also kill fourteen people.

In retrospect, wouldn't we all agree if every cable car had to certify its actual state of maintenance every year, using an expert who is also responsible for what he writes? Obvious. And would that be "bureaucracy?".

No, you will all agree that it would be simple "vigilance".

After the disaster of the Morandi bridge, you do not all agree that the actual state of the bridge and its tests, of each bridge and each test, should be guaranteed by checks carried out by independent bodies, hired by others, if not by the police, or at least under their supervision? You will all agree. And would it be "bureaucracy" or "supervision"?

Obviously, you will say that it is vigilance, although in practice it would translate into all those processes that we call "bureaucracy".

What we call "bureaucracy" 90% of the time is an apparatus aimed at protecting citizens from those unconscious pigs we call "entrepreneurs".

Very well. Because this dualism between bureaucracy and supervision is typical of the courier. As soon as something bad happens on the stock exchange or in the banking sector (the parlor of Italian finance, even if it smells a bit of shit), the courier thunders that "the supervisory mechanisms have failed". And poof, look how strange, the newspaper that fights against bureaucracy and permits and too many controls, becomes the great supporter of "vigilance". And isn't it vigilance instead to demand that a cook be vaccinated before opening the restaurant? Well, no, that's the bureaucracy the poor businessman has to go through.

In the end, everything hinges on the border between bureaucracy and supervision.

For Italian entrepreneurs, it is "bureaucracy" that protects the citizen from their misdeeds. It is "Vigilance" that prores THEM from the misdeeds of others.

And so, if the blast chiller in their restaurant has been broken for years and someone closes them for this, it is "bureaucracy". If, on the other hand, someone sells them a batch of spoiled fish, they ask for checks on wholesalers, and call it "supervision", not bureaucracy.

The disaster of the Morandi bridge, the cable car, as well as the death of Luana and another 1100 each year, clearly show one thing: bureaucracy is necessary. When an employer removes the protections from the machines and puts an unskilled person to work (the idea that to work on a machine capable of killing you need a course is not popular in Italy), we are sure that the bureaucracy is still too little.

The courier constantly plays on the idea that the state should not be wary of the entrepreneur, but after seeing the Morandi bridge collapsing, the Stresa cable car falling, Luana dying, why should we trust them? Why should we trust entrepreneurs who kill 1100 people every year to avoid the "bureaucracy" that are safety regulations and related certification?

I may be unpleasant, but I mean it clearly.

With the ethics of the Italian entrepreneur, there is also little bureaucracy. It would take even more.

You know very well that if there were no bureaucracy, you would leave every restaurant after eating shit. That without bureaucracy the deaths at work would not be 1100 every year, but perhaps 5000. You know well that without bureaucracy, ties and ties, your home electrical system would be a death trap. You know well that without bureaucracy, laces and laces, your homes would fall on your head. You know very well that the few things you can trust (food, roads, houses, basic household systems) don't kill you only THANKS to the ties and snares of the bureaucracy.

You know well that your children do not swallow toxic paints because a customs bureaucracy blocks toxic products produced abroad, with a really annoying bureaucracy for entrepreneurs.

You know well that it is thanks to bureaucracy that you can trust the pillars of your home. You know well that it is thanks to the bureaucracy that you can eat at the restaurant without risking dying the next day. It is thanks to the bureaucracy that your drugs are not counterfeited and diluted, as happens when buying them online.

Except, in fact, when vigilance defends the citizen it is called "bureaucracy", while everything that defends the money of a financier is "vigilance".

The boundary between supervision and bureaucracy is just that, after all.

And when one of these disasters happens, and an entrepreneur turns up who wanted to make more money, you just have to notice it. Because after a year of downtime for Covid, the entrepreneur could easily use the downtime to replace the cables and brakes, without damaging the business, which wasn't there.

Trouble is, it would've damaged his bank account.

And then, it is necessary that from now on the cableways have 3.4 inspections every year, made by experts who are criminally and civilly responsible, without which the cableway remains closed.

And if it is "bureaucracy", amen: because with the ethical qualities of the Italian entrepreneur, "bureaucracy" simply means "security".

And if the entrepreneurs whine….


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