May 4, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


By Giletti, Salvini and others.

By Giletti, Salvini and others.

When I read about Giletti's heroic exploits in Moscow, I wonder why there is so much fuss. I mean, if you're young and you weren't there during the Cold War, and you weren't twenty-something when the Wall fell, I understand you: these things seem new.

I understand why you haven't seen any of that happening today. Propaganda, war, invasions, etc.

But when you are my age, everything you see about Russia in the news today is taken for granted. It's already seen. You know how it ends. And when I say “you know how it ends” I mean that the main protagonist, Russia, didn't even bother to field a few pieces of creativity.

That is, they are doing the same things, in the same way, and even with LESS resources, in the sense that today's Russia is a third of the Warsaw Pact, in terms of human resources.

Here they are becoming hysterical because there are pro-Russian parties. Notice that the PCI was of the same size as the League of today, and did not even try to hide its ideological affiliation. In the 1970s, one of their most lamented leaders, Berlinguer, went to Moscow to say that he wanted a real socialist system for Italy, only under the aegis of NATO.

The scandal in the PCI was great, but do you want to know why? Not because he wanted a system of “real socialism”, that is, a dictatorship without freedom of civilians or of the market, but because…. he wanted to stay in NATO.

And let's talk about one who was considered "enlightened".

So it is not news that there was a fifth column "of the enemy" in Italy. And they had a lot of media at their disposal, including from the state. RAI3 was under the control of the PCI, (by chance Bianca Berlinguer – the daughter of the gentleman above – entered, but we are sure it was PURE meritocracy), and when Russia invaded Afghanistan their TG said that they had gone to help the local government, at the request of the same. Forgetting to mention that the government in question had put it in power by the Russians.

And when the West boycotted the Olympic Games in Moscow, you had to see the Communists: they smeared the Olympic spirit of the Greeks on you, not even if they had all been citizens of Athens (MI).

Games of the XXII Olympiad – Wikipedia
By Giletti, Salvini and others.

When the Soviets boycotted the Los Angeles Games four years later, the Olympic spirit of the PCI's sycophants had completely disappeared. Russia (as the USSR was called) was always right.

Games of the XXIII Olympiad – Wikipedia
By Giletti, Salvini and others.

This attitude (as it must be said, by blatant imbeciles) of the PCI sycophants were sometimes so grotesque that they even made jokes about it. One, widespread in the Bolognese area, went like this:

  • Dad, Dad, is it true that donkeys fly?
  • But go! But who told you such bullshit?
  • It was written on the unit.
  • Okay, now, fly fly no. But they do jump, huh. I 'svulazzen

Let me be clear, the PCI was, with all its folklore, one of the most enduring political jokes , also because it required its members the complete loss of political memory (no one had to remember that the year before they thought otherwise: Oceania has always been at war with Estasia ) , and I don't even mention the critical sense, because the situation was even more serious: in reality the PCI was asking for the disappearance of the sense of ridicule. Giulietto Chiesa did not leave that party by chance, and neither did Armando "Saddam Hussein did good things too" Cossutta.

If we want to make an analogy with the Ukrainian invasion, when the invasion of Hungary happened, Giorgio Napolitano (exponent of the PCI) wrote this: "Soviet intervention in Hungary, avoiding the creation of a outbreak of provocations and allowing the USSR to intervene decisively and forcefully to stop the imperialist aggression in the Middle East (has) contributed decisively, as well as preventing Hungary from falling into chaos and counter-revolution, not to to defend only the military and strategic interests of the USSR but to save peace in the world ”.

The loss of sense of ridicule is obvious. Famously, Hungary borders on Israel. Or at least, according to Napolitano, who slips us into the Middle East.

A bit of Balesdina is not denied to anyone.

Another thing I could remember is when I was sixteen and in Chernobyl the nuclear power plant began to "work very well", according to the Unit.

While the situation was under control, people who had a garden were asked NOT to consume products grown outdoors. While people like my father were destroying the garden, the sycophants of the PCI ate ONLY stuff from their garden, and as if that were not enough they came to dig the greenhouses because it was said that they could mitigate the fall. Reason? It was certainly a rumor (today we would say a fake news) of capitalist imperialism.

I don't know how many people died of leukemia in Italy because of Chernobyl, but if there is an estimate, know that 50% were members of the PCI.

And this thing had paroxysmal effects. I used to take the morning train to school, along with commuters. One morning we were discussing Gaddafi firing Scud missiles at Lampedusa. The comments were:

  • yes because the Americans behind are collapsing.
  • If you do it to Russia the next day you wake up in Siberia.

Then they arrived at the station in Ferrara, bought the unit, inquired about what they had to think, and the next day… the bombing was a very right reaction against the provocations of the American imperialist Sixth Fleet.

But why do I write all this, besides looking like a shitty old man (TM) ?.

I write it because:

you cannot ask those who remember the times of the PCI / USSR to find someone like Orsini ridiculous, or to be surprised by the Russian propaganda. This stuff is, all things considered, light. Amateurism.

We have seen things like the colds of heads of state hated by the party. We were told that “in Russia there is no freedom, it is true, but on the other hand they all get along well. They never quarrel ".

Or that "yes, they are starving, but there is no traffic in Moscow".

And do you think it worries me, or does it surprise me, to hear from Orsini that his grandfather was perfectly fine as a child with fascism? Why do you think there was traffic? And were they arguing?

Why shouldn't you worry? Because these phenomena are the result of a lack of a sense of ridicule that winds its way through about 30% of the world population.

That's it: about 30% of the human species DOES NOT have a sense of ridicule. And if you notice, those few times in which they present themselves in real elections, all the parties based on propaganda (from the fascist ones, to the Nazis, to the communists) stop, point plus point minus, around that percentage.

Having established that the percentage of addicted to ridicule is more or less constant, the historical problem is this: the PCI NEVER won the elections and NEVER went to power. Although it had several regions that were managed on average better than the others, it never managed to become a governing force.

This happened for several reasons.

The first is that the US took countermeasures to limit its spread. And it is the first reason why I tell you that, if Russia becomes more and more hostile to NATO, the competence already exists to prevent the League from winning.

It exists in the secret services, in the police, etc.

But as if that weren't enough, the reaction of Westerners to ridicule remained the same. Let's face it: Unity parties were awkward. I volunteered there for sex hormone reasons, and I have to say one thing: they were really embarrassing, especially in the provinces.

From the youth pavilion, where people from the FGCI explained to you life, the universe and everything, (we metalheads mistaken us for punks and gave us Bakunin to convince us that we were basically close to ideology), and you came out thinking that in at the bottom the texts of Venom sinned of pure intellectualism, up to the tremendous food (never understood how it was legal to distribute that stuff to the population: not even in Calabria you fried fish so greasy), at art exhibitions "meh", at games where you won things that were slightly better than the ties given away for Christmas, but you couldn't recycle them for the grandfather of the future Christmas. Nobody wanted a Unity Day "win" in the house. Nobody.

And it was the sense of ridicule that stopped the PCI and its folklore at a physiological, and useless, ~ 30%. In the schools you could shoot it as you wanted, but no one really wanted to be in the FGCI gang. People who gathered in the municipal library: holy god, where is the Apocalypse when it is needed?

And how do I know that the Lega is one of the parties of the sensodelridicoloprivi?

In short, here. I don't care that much.

That is stuff we already had when we were little, and considering the average age of Italian voters, I would say there is no need to worry.

If it enters this loop of matryoshkas and samovars, the League will spend the next 50 years in opposition. Like the PCI.

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