May 2, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


The problem of idiots in politics.

It has been years, about since the election of the first Bush, that spin doctors from all over the West have discovered one thing: activating the idiots releases a quantity of political campaign energy that has not been seen since 1968. Del rest, it was reasoned, idiots are manageable.

But history has shown how stupid the move is.

Unleashing a whirlwind of bullshit by tickling national idiots with stupid slogans and fake news has a great advantage, but it ends on election day. Once the victory has arrived, what happens?

If an absolute monarch were elected, or a dictator like in Rome, there would be no problems. Because the Roman dictator no longer depended on who had elected him, until the end of the office.

But a democratic government depends on its constituents even after:

  1. local (or mid-term for the US) elections
  2. parliamentarians who "come from the territory"

and this produces the usual post-election disaster you are seeing today.

In a nutshell, the problem manifests itself as follows: Meloni and Salvini made the paraculi talking fascist but saying that no they are not fascists, and living in that gray area for which the idiots have presented themselves to them by the millions.

Good. Now that they have won, people like this appear at the door of Meloni:

  • knock Knock. I can? I wanted to congratulate, Giorgia, and tell you good work!
  • A thousand thanks! Right back at you!
  • By the way dde work: when we do is the law to beat 'them fags?
  • Um … you know, there is the constitutional court, the president does not sign …
  • No, no no, spe: I promised everything in Lazio! Me if they beat me '. The next regional nun vote me if we do not make the law to beat 'them fags!
  • You understand, it's not like we can get the law rejected, we make a demmerda figure.
  • No, it is you who do not understand, if we do not make the law to beat 'them fags, we do the demmerda figure to the regional officials!

In the end, what comes out of it? It turns out that sooner or later a law that establishes a new fire station in Vigevano instead of being called "law 433/2022" will be called "Law to beat 'them fags".

After that, someone will seriously beat up, be arrested, and good luck for his lawyer to defend him by citing the existence of a fire station.

This is the reason why the parties that tease the imbeciles do not last long: splits, deserters, abandonments, changes of shirt. All the promises and illusions that were comfortable in the election campaign will NOT be forgotten.

In short, the party promised bullshit, thinking that from the day after the election it could be done without implementing them, or that they would be forgotten. Well, it doesn't.

And it gets even worse for parties that want to steal voters. It makes little sense for the PD to try to steal voters from M5S: unless it wants to make laws against chemtrails, or to hit Bildebberg. And the sirens. Let's not forget the sirens.

Because here we are: if one party makes voters by unleashing the idiots, and another party instead of keeping the intelligent tries to clump the voters, it will be polluted.

The voter, after the elections, still matters because it serves the party to maintain internal consensus, that is, the cohesion of the party itself. Not to mention the mid-term elections, which require a certain loyalty.

Seeing, what do I know, the PD looking for the votes of M5S means seeing a party that sooner or later, to keep the voters, will be forced to answer questions about QAnon and various chemtrails.

But if it is so problematic, why has the model that looks for more idiots than intelligent ones has become more consolidated? The reasons are many.

The first is that democracy is young, and parties have always had to deal with masses of idiots. In Italy, an example was the PCI. In the sections there were semi-illiterate peasants who made the league look like a fiiorellin party.

When topics such as abortion and divorce were discussed, the cities devoted to the PCI moved with ease, while the suburban offices were full of people who reasoned as in the Middle Ages. Even the offices in certain working-class cities, full of guttural and bigoted migrants, were places where it was difficult to explain abortion and divorce.

The dysphoria was resolved as it was resolved for the referendum, that is, by leaving freedom of conscience to the voters, or by leaving a certain freedom to the sections, but with the usual persistent cultural hegemony of some "intellectuals".

I mean that the PCI was a populist party? Yes it was. In the village sections it was, and the atmosphere was what you might find in Pontida. The PCI, however, was able to keep them silent and to make "the position of the politburo" prevail, even in cases in which the country peasant did not understand it.

It also kept them busy with more or less useless activities, such as building the Unity Party stands, or joint debates on absurd films, and other "recreational" activities that ultimately kept them loyal and good.

Result: with the arrival of the 1980s, those locations were literally unlivable for young people. Perhaps in the city the small offices of the PCI or the SPIM were also attractive, but in the small sections it was almost impossible for a girl to stay (if only for the smell of cigarettes and bad breath) and the harassing machismo (more than toxic ) did the rest: it was in the 1980s that the "disengagement" took place. This was mainly the result of a party that had absorbed idiots in gigantic quantities.

The party also proposed to emancipate them, or if you prefer to "educate" them, with the usual pedagogical intent, but all they have achieved is that these yokels left the PCI and entered the League at the beginning of the 90s. They did not accept being "polite": Battleship Potiemkin was crazy shit.

After all, the first reaction of that party to the "disengagement" of the young people of my generation, at least in the province, was to cover us with insults and boycott any alternative recreational activity. Anyone who opened an Arcade was banned from everything with the most absurd excuses, from closing times to the prohibition of having a drinks machine, and when a bar changed hands in my shitty village, becoming a "sandwich shop" and becoming a venue natural of the "panozzi", he began a series of road works just in front of the bar that would have been enough to redo the streets of New York.

We were accused, by the ACLI Catholics, of being in the pay of forces who wanted to destroy the traditional virtues (not to eat at the mother's house? Horror!) And by the PCI of being in the pay of the Americans who wanted to stupefy us so as not to let us square to defend the comrades of the Sarcazzistan hitter, or some previously unknown stinky people who wouldn't give a shit to anyone if it hadn't become the only universal and absolute priority for incomprehensible reasons. Palestine is just one example, but it is a good example.

This was due to the arrogance typical of the howler monkey of the provincial offices, both Catholic and Communist. The "master fathers" of the countryside, who were used to making a tremendous grip on young people with a pedagogy "from above".

It was only in the 1990s that both the left and the historical Catholic world realized that they had lost young people. They tried to remedy: the Catholics organized these megaevents that transformed the Pope into a rock star, and the Communists tried to make music, up to the monsters of rock, but by now the damage was done.

And it never repaired.

It was the idiots in politics, that is, to prevent women and young people from entering the parties en masse from the provinces. They were unwatchable and unlistenable.

The young components of today's parties, that is, have almost always passed from the city headquarters. Idem for women, except for certain cases in the usual red paradises, but they almost always date back to the early 90s.

This is another disadvantage of idiots in politics: they turn off the exchange, and slowly the parties no longer know who to propose to the country. Either they propose characters born in the city offices (Veltroni, D'Alema, etc) who maybe later went to the province but in the end they don't take root anymore, or they are looking for young people like Schlein, who if I try to place PCI of the 80s, in the province, I see her being slapped and insulted from morning to evening.

Having said that, I could easily explain both the crisis of the PD and that of the "center", not so much with the fact that they captured the imbeciles today, but with the fact that they captured them in the past.

Believe me or not, there was a period in which the provincial offices of the PCI and the ACLI looked like what you would expect today from a Lega or M5S office.

A special mention should be made for the dynamics of the far right. Because it was, at least until 1994, a pariah party. As a pariah party, it was frequented by people who were already considered the scum, and they didn't give a damn gleefully.

Their youth movement, FdG, was strangely modern when we consider it in terms of youth interest. Both because they were very identifying, and because they focused on sports and music, and strangely they also talked about art. (ok, futurism here and futurism there).

They could do several things that were unlistenable, for one simple reason:

  • they were a 5% match, why bother if they teach Irving to young people?
  • there are four cats, why worry about FdG offices?

The result is that the young people who went there were motivated, resilient to social contempt, they felt free (inside the venue) to say the most absurd idiots (between Evola and Freda there was to indulge) and to dance (for mysterious reasons, being a genre born in Jamaica and cleared through customs in the UK) SKA music.

If we go out with young people and women, we discover that they didn't have many but they also had them in the provinces, and even in the “natural” locations for adults, they were what they expected.

I mean that if you entered a PCI office in the province, you would have liked to see a progressive, inclusive, open and modern party. Instead you found the League.

If you entered a Catholic "cultural" circle, perhaps you were looking for an educated Catholicism, and instead you would have found piles of old bigots and an almost subhuman level of ignorance.

If you entered a FdG or MSI headquarters, you would find exactly what they promised you: fascism, fascism of the third millennium. Ancient fascism and modern fascism, youth fascism and senile fascism. Promise kept. No disappointment.

As long as it was a party of 5%, this was not noticed: it was a party of idiots, who did not care about being one, whose leaders said what the base also said, so who cares they are fascists and they are four cats.

This is the first time that Meloni has found herself in the situation of being a strong decision-maker, that is, the leader of the right and of the Italian government. The pile of idiots she brought with her hasn't changed much since FdG.

The difference is that unlike the other piles of idiots, the leaders have never shown disgust or derision for them, not being judged with the same severity: Meloni relies on a base of idiots that she has never betrayed. While the PCI, in its multiple transformations, has denied its base (the poor are ignorant) and left it to the League first and to M5S later, while the Catholic world in its twists and turns has left its base to the forced aliots who seemed more ' modern because of Silvio Berlusconi, in the case of Meloni the base of idiots is historical, and there is "another component of the party" that can disgust them. Fini did it, and we know how it went.

What needs to be seen is how he can handle them, since they will ask for practically impossible things.

But even for Meloni, the time to say no to her idiots is approaching.

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