April 28, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Who is Dugin

People who have never dealt with esotericism generally read Dugin as if he were a character jumped out of the world of the "very pure" Russian Orthodox, the Raskolniky, a kind of schismatic movement that exists in Russia, very similar to the Amish of the USA. in terms of ideas and daily behavior. But Dugin was famous long before, and he was famous as a Crowleyan satanist.

I know very well that you will say to me "but why does nobody say this?" , and I can't honestly tell you why nobody says it in the mainstream mass media. He was also quite well known on the internet some time ago, but Crowleyan satanists snubbed him, since he said things that were at least a century old. But the problem is that Dugin arrived at his Nazi positions through Thelema, and then through Thule, starting from a Crowleyan satanist position.

It may seem strange that there is a path that starts from Crowley's Satanism and ends with a substantial fascist and patriotic traditionalism, but it is not as strange as it seems. To understand this better, it is necessary to go up the Crowley chain a little.

If we speak in esoteric terms, history is divided into periods just like the "canonical" one, only instead of Renaissance and Baroque you might find "periods" like alchemy and Jewish cabala, or "theosophy".

Crowley comes from a "historical" moment in which theosophy has managed to break through traditional American materialism, and begins to sell among the masses. If esoteric societies had been widespread in Europe for some time, the American working class and middle class were and were, for almost the whole of the 19th century, quite disastrous due to a certain positivism and a certain materialism. It was so simple to scam an American using a century of discoveries (Edison & co) if you told him that sitting in a bathtub with two high voltage electrodes would cure gout, but it was not so easy to talk to him about "spirit", because he would understood "a ghost". And he didn't believe in ghosts. The only exception was religious Americans, who read nothing but the Bible and were not interested in esotericism.

As then, the common American man, that is, cannot conceive of a philosophy except as a religious belief because he does not find a material foundation of the laws to follow, and he cannot perceive a symbolic or metaphorical vision if you do not sell it to him. like magic, because he can't understand why that rune or cloak is needed. There was no easy way to break into the market.

There were Masons and other similar societies, but they were things for the very rich and rich, and until someone found a way to "translate" philosophy into something, it was not easy. But Blavatsky first and Crowley later succeeded, somehow. Blavatsky was very good at creating a parastorical and para philosophical fashion around magic, which deluded the American that he was talking about philosophy and ancient history when in reality he was talking about travel. But Crowley did the coup, because he managed to sell Nietzsche's nihilism as a form of Satanism in the USA.

In practice, Crowley was for the USA what Peter Kolosimo was for Italy.

Crowley understood that a philosophy was too difficult for the average American, and so he took what Nietzsche called "will to power" and called it "thelema" (in fact he replaced the German " Wille Zur Macht " with the Greek θέλημα , which some biblical scholars also translated asdivine-level will” ). Then he decided that the man who, freeing himself from morality goes beyond, the Übermensch, had become an equivalent of Lucifer, relying on the fact that lower-class Americans drew his image from Paradise Lost (without ever having read it, very often) .

At that point, it was all done: the man who becomes immoral looking for pleasure (seeking pleasure is another possible translation of "Thelema") without limits becomes a superior being, who is metaphorically Lucifer. And here is the modern Thelema.

In short, Crowley rewrote Nietzsche's philosophy to the point of making it a digestible mash for the American masses.

But not only that: he was also inspired by Nietzsche in indicating the Romans and the ancient pagans as powerful as they are indifferent to morality, both for the atrocities committed against other people, and for the indifference to the pain of others and the spendability of human life, and therefore came to draw an imaginary historical line that connected divinities such as Dionysus to Lucifer, through the fact that the loss of the senses was a form of elevation above morality, a road that inevitably led to becoming superior beings, not subject to human moral rules, or Lucifer himself.

This is the first step.

The rest takes place in Austria and Italy. The problem is that in that period the turmoil is political, but European politics is moving towards mysticism: Freemasonry and secret societies proliferate, using mediums is now common, and the study of improbable mythological origins of nations is normal.

Now that we have understood that for Crowley a man who becomes superior to morality becomes practically exempt from historical judgment (which is moral), and becomes superior in that he is equal to Lucifer due to a search component of the will to power, the same of Roman pagans, how would you define a nation where this road is normal practice?

The answer is "New Thule", or the secret society to which Hitler belonged. (and which still exists, even in Italy, and has federated with the GOI, which accepts some of its degrees). Pagan or pagan but also Luciferian , intent on building an imperial and mythological destiny of a nation that, by its vocation, cannot be judged because it is above judgment: we have just written 70% of Himmler's speeches to young officers of the SS.

And this is how we arrive, starting from Satanism as a reshuffling of Nician nihilism for the American home language, rights to esoteric Nazism.

Obviously, from the conventional historical point of view, the path is different because the esoteric part is considered marginal, but if we place ourselves from a perspective of history seen from the esoteric point of view, the "century of theosophy" does nothing but unfold in this way: nihilism is read as Luciferianism, which then rises to the creation of the New Thule, the magical Aryan homeland, which does nothing but wake up after hundreds of years of sleep, evoked by esoteric symbols and "political" ceremonies overflowing with pagan symbols.

Why does this explain Dugin? Because his path was the same. In the past, Dugin was practically a mediocre Crowley imitator. A satanist in a Russia spiritually devastated by years of communism and a new Orthodox church that had lost its spirituality, and held the same values ​​as other Russians: money and power.

One day, even reading Soljenitsin, he discovers that the Raskolniky still exist. And this is where the equivalent of the transition to New Thule takes place, only the new Thule is the NovoRossya. The new Russia, made up of old ideals and an old Pan-Slavic archaic identity, which fights against the corruption of modern customs (behaving like Amish).

Dugin then begins to build his "New Thule", that is an esoteric world called "Novorossja", a term also used by Tsarina Catherine the Great.

And here for Dugin the circle closes: because so far we have talked about people who, through the search for power and pleasure (the Thelema), rise above the human moral categories (and therefore to the judgment of history) to rise and become higher beings, or Lucifer. Or if you prefer, the Whore of Babylon.

Here we enter the bibliography of Catherine "the great". Despite being the most enlightened tsarina of the period, and founder of the concept of Novorossya, the tsarina also lends herself to the history of the pursuit of pleasure as well as greatness. In the sense that he is a "peculiar" figure in terms of his extravagant (and proven) sexual appetites.

Tsarina Katerina the Great, whom Putin and the Putinians adore, is not only famous for politics: first of all she institutionalized the practice of gigolos at court, who were overpaid both in money and in estates, as well as slaves. (serfs, in short). All her young lovers ended up noble and rich. Unlike the tsars who disposed of their mistresses by having them killed, she always rewarded her lovers (very numerous) with titles, estates, slaves (serfs), up to giving away 66,000 in a single stroke.

She was also famous for her sexual appetite, and for institutionalizing tickling. It means that "elegant dinners" took place at court, to put it in Silvio's words. In which the tsarina was often "the center of attention", to put it to Legalporno. Gangbang, in short.

So she basically had these servants who used ostrich feather fans both to tickle her feet before orgasm and to cool her private parts. During the gangbangs, that is. I guess friction was a problem.

When she died, the Tsarist police had her duty to crush the fake news that she had died from sexual intercourse with a horse. False thing, but believed likely by the population.

The successor was his illegitimate son, but it is not known who the father was, although there are several speculations. But without a DNA test, they will remain so: the range of possible fathers is too wide.

And you understand that a great tsarina, remembered both as a great queen and as a great harlot, who coined the term NovoRossja, is perfect for our Dugin, who intends to resell his New Thule as a philosophy to a people that is not very different. from the materialistic and uneducated American to whom Crowley resold his Thelema.

Dugin, moreover, does not miss analogies: if Hitler founds the National Socialist Party of German workers, Dugin founds the National Bolshevik Party of Russian workers. practically never: after all, its philosophical genesis is identical to that of Hitler and the esoteric Nazis. Including his love for Crowley, of which Dugin makes no mystery, or at least he did not in the past and then his quotations to Guenon, Evola, and two hundredograms of Horus and one hundred of Osiris, what does lady do I leave?

On all this you put the memory of a tsarina who was both a great governess and an insatiable nymphomaniac, and you get the mix that these siroccas believe in: whoever believes that Dugin is a political philosopher has not understood what he is, is mainly an esoteric barker of a non-acid Satanist mold, who made the political path and created his New Thule in Novorossya, blessed with the broken ass of the Tsarina (in the world of that Satanism, the fluids of sodomy are used to dip the host ), which testifies to its immorality and therefore its superiority towards the judgment of history.

How does this philosophy translate into pragmatic political thinking? First of all in a cure for propaganda intended purely as aesthetics and in the use of esoteric symbols such as the Z. (which is a pseudoruna). But it translates into the request to the armed forces to behave as if there were no moral limits, the same request of Himmler, just to testify that the Nation of Lucifer is above the moral judgment, therefore of the historical one. The worst thing you can threaten for them is a trial.

But it also translates into a dogmatism of the nation's superiority, in a continuous overestimation of its means, and in the absolute contempt of its citizens who are not yet "enlightened", or inferior, who can be sent to die. It translates into the creation of a new order devoid of any moral law, marked only by the search for power and the search for pleasure.

Which is, coincidentally, what we see.

The last question you will ask yourself is “but why does the Russian Orthodox Church support this?”. Here, we could ask ourselves the problem every time that a church sides with some Nazi-Fascism, and the answer is always the same: as long as there are superstition, ignorance, money and power, and everything is broth for them.

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