May 7, 2024

The mountain of shit theory

Uriel Fanelli's blog in English


Gravedigger orgy.

I will not participate, mind you, in the monstrous orgy of gravediggers that I am observing everywhere, after the news of the death of the Murgia. And no, I won't even recognize this "honor in arms" that Meloni has taken pains to grant.

I know that, according to a millenary tradition, a tradition that goes back to the numi talari, death coincides with sanctification, or at least with that "libera nos a malo", by which the deceased places himself beyond earthly judgement.

Now, if I were a pimp like many others, I would have to tell you that granting the honor of arms to the Murgia is an insult, because the concept of "honor" for her was a fruit of the Patriarchate. One of the rotten fruit. But honestly, I don't grant the honor of arms for the simple reason that he has never fought with honor, quite the contrary.

I do not grant the honor of arms to the Murgia, not for a problem of method, but for a problem of merit: I have not heard the echo of its heroic deeds.

The echoes I get are these:

And I'm sorry to say it, but if you can get Sgarbi to the side of reason, there's a lot to be said. Moreover, speaking of a dead author, who could no longer answer you: what an honor we are talking about.

And I don't hold her above criticism just because she's dead. His material life has remained the same, and if anything, the sum of his actions will never change again. Which creates the perfect conditions for a judgment.

I am a male. I am white. I'm western. I'm wealthy, some would say.

If I said that a poor black African female is a thief or a prostitute by definition, I would probably get the worst of the worst accusations against me. Racism, chauvinism, prejudice, blablabla.

But at a certain point the Murgia comes up with a speech according to which if you are male, white, western and wealthy, then you are absolute evil, which all the rest of the population must fight fiercely, even with violence.

And if we consider that Murgia was a RWW, a Rich White Woman, things get worse. She was maybe more affluent than me, white, western, only it wasn't a boy. And apparently, that's enough to get her out of the conversation. That colonialism of which everyone accuses the Western white male, it seems, has nothing to do with the Western white woman.

But it does not matter. The problem is that this lady used her media power (certainly superior to this blog), to carry out an operation of "Hitlerization" of a person (me like many others) who honestly never dreamed of consciously planning everyone the evils of the world.

And he had no real love for the contradictory. She never fought. The few times he had a debate he had it in neutral territory, with moderators who were white, Western, wealthy and male, but I would add "domesticated" under the heading "males". She is never put into discussions with, shall we say, wilder characters.

So this one would go up to her 10,000m altitude, in her B-52, and drop bombs on the western white male, with no one answering her, because ultimately she only accepted confrontations with domesticated western white males, in moderated debates.

Someone will tell me that he fought against Salusti or others, but honestly, I'm not Sallusti, he doesn't represent me, I don't support him, and especially: he's not even that "Head of the Patriarchate" who should exist if the Patriarchate existed.

There is no "honor" in this way of acting. For among Western white males, even affluent ones, there are surely millions of people who, like me, are not to blame for the invasion of the Americas or the deaths of Negroes by Detroit policemen, and especially, who have no way of replicate.

Even though I've had a blog for 21 years now, my blog doesn't have a minimum of the strength that ten minutes of prime time TV have. Interesting duel, one with a cannon and one with a slingshot. Where is the honor in this boundless expanse of cowardice?

You will not have the honor of arms, Murgia. Because you have NOT fought with honor, EVER.

All you did was get in your B52 and start dropping bombs on people, by skin color alone, by birthplace alone, by gender alone, and on top of that, people who had no even the idea of ​​being at war.

Modern feminism is a kind of Pearl Harbour, against people, i.e. western white males, who have built (even dying by the millions) the only society in the world where the Murgia is not incarcerated or killed. We didn't know we were at war, and to be honest, we even thought we were friends. Stab yourself behind the back.

There is no honor in this. And I won't recognize any military honors, like Meloni did.

Maybe Meloni and the fascists see the honor, but that doesn't surprise me.

And what about the intellectual?

I can only say one thing: I recognize the title of intellectual only to those thinkers who have one characteristic, that of novelty . Parroting old songs that were already old when I was young, honestly, advises me not to use that term.

Even more so today, when ChatGPT 4 is also able to "write well": from now on, "but write well" is no longer a measure of the intellect. It is necessary to write news, that is contents never heard before.

But everything Murgia says comes from American feminism of the 60s and 70s, with some excursions into the 80s. Honestly, it was old stuff when we were young. Intersectionality as a concept was introduced in 1989, by Kimberlé Crenshaw, who among other things was financed by the Rockefeller foundation, while her "Critical Race Theory" dates back to 1986.

Ending those moments when, without knowing it, we white males went crazy for Michael Jackson, Prince, watched Eddy Murphy movies and found them funny, and didn't even think we were doing anything wrong. We were a generation basically gender-agnostic, race-agnostic, almost none of those who listened to Boy George or Dead Or Alive saw anything strange, none of those who loved Prince or Michael Jackson, or those who laughed with Eddy Murphy, they saw us as “niggers”. For me the absolute genius of drumming was Sheila I. ( .), who I only now know is "non-white" by American standards.

If you had asked one of us the biggest difference between Annie Lennox and Tina Turner, we would have answered "music genre", not "skin color".

Stab yourself in the back, for 30 denarii that the "intellectual" earned by writing books.

The generation that was 16 years old in 1986, that didn't see the color of the skin, has been caught on the head with the accusations of systematic racism of the Critical Race Theory, and you speak to me of "intellectuals"? I only see a provincial fight that brings the most senseless American jokes to Italy.

Even his much abused "queer family", as a concept, comes from the pen of Heinlein, on the book "Friday", where the institution of the "S families" is described and conceived with precision. Or queer families.

And Heinlein cannot be said to be a leftist writer. In fact, it's so indigestible that no one wants it. But he had enough common sense that there are parts of his thinking everywhere.

In the thought of the Murgia there is nothing never heard before. Don't tell me which intellectual it was: it wasn't. He just plagiarized American girls. To earn 30 denarii.

What remains of her, in my eyes?

Nothing, except the fact that thanks to him, some bitch in Italy that I don't even know hates me for the color of my skin, for being born a boy, for being born in the West.

So no, sorry. I will not participate in your gravedigger orgy.

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